Prayer into the Dark, Part 1
Prayer into the Dark, by DragonMasterX. Part 1. June, 1999. Darkness spread like an endless mantle covering all before her eyes. Nothingness was absolute. Muffled words turned to incomprehensible mutters as her head rung with the pain of a...
Recapitulation, Finale
Finale. Minutes later, the training session for the team had ended. Successes and failures tallied and noted for later observation, all four female metamorphs hit the shower room together. "Sorry, sorry! I'm so sorry, Madame Richards!" Francine...
Recapitulation, Part 4
Part 4. "Sheesh, show off a bit more, will ya?" Charlie smirked back at Kim's comment, having been leaning forwards with her hands on her knees for their picture. "Why are you acting like a mom all of a sudden? Gotta look good if we're going to...
Recapitulation, Part 3
Part 3. Omega is still out there, and I'd be too naïve if I didn't expect at least one of the other metamorphs I've faced to be with her too. What worries me the most though is not the numbers of our enemies but what Omega's plan is. It has been...
Recapitulation, Part 2
Part 2. I came back to Phoenix a week after Omega's incarceration. The organization was conducting an investigation on her. Both Beth and Kim had been inducted into the organization with their own codenames, Queen and Shade, respectively, in return...
Recapitulation, Part 1
Recapitulation, by DragonMasterX. Part 1. "It's been a while." There was no response to the young woman's greeting. Only low growls from the skies and the cold whispers of a late afternoon breeze were the female's sole company. The heavens...
Blue Starlight
This is a commission for mysteryman01 (FurAffinity). Star is copyrighted to mysteryman01. Warning: This story contains transformation, growth, butt expansion, breast expansion and muscle expansion. You've been warned! * * * Blue...
Dream Dragoness
This is a commission for WesFox134 (Process Productions Forums). Warning: This story contains expansion, female muscle growth, hourglass expansion and macro. You've been warned! Wes is himself. * * * Dream Dragoness, by DragonMasterX. ...
Changing Perspectives
This is a commission for Giza ( Warning: This story contains transformation, vore (soft), planet vore, growth, macro, mega macro, giga macro, breast expansion, butt growth and severe (yet sexy) destruction. Icefyre belongs to...
Gluttony, Finale
Part 2. Lia had had enough foreplay. The growth just wasn't going fast enough for her anymore. The feeling of being buried under rubble was akin to being stopped, and she didn't want that, not anymore. Never again would she allow herself to be...
Gluttony, Part 1
Warning: This story contains universe-ending growth. Soft (Comical) Vore and Implied rape. You've been warned! * * * Gluttony, by DragonMasterX. Part 1. "And I'm telling you, we're aware of your so called "humanitarian" research down...
A Goddess' Duty
This is a commission for mysteryman01 (FurAffinity). Ciel belongs to mysteryman01. Warning: This story contains macro and hourglass curves. * * * A Goddess' Duty, by DragonMasterX. Crystal Falls was renowned because of its...