W.W.C - Snowball fights
The winter had finally come into full force for the year, sending with it a delivery of white snow, overcast white skies and a chill that was almost inescapable. The timing of the sudden insurgence of snow couldn't have been better - the weekend was...
the girl in the house
The girl awoke in a daze on her kitchen floor, the only light illuminating the room coming from the moon. She lifted herself up from the floor with her shoulders, the ache in her body only registering then. Her back felt as stiff as wood, her head...
An acquired taste
It was mid-morning and the stallion came into the house, heart racing in his chest and sweat drenching his tank top, despite the cool morning air outside. Saul had just come back from his morning run, acting as a sort of kick-start on his new year's...
The gift of a fox
The holidays were coming soon and towns were packed with shoppers, the amorphous groups of people hustling and bustling to get last minute deals on a wide variety of Christmas presents. Among the group were a slender fox boy and his muscular black and...
Warm Welcome Home
Just as fast as the summer came around, so must the summer end just as soon. As the month of August progressed out of the month of July, the summer sun drained from the sky, taking with it the summer fun. Anders awareness of this came with a piece of...
100 themes - Introduction
'Hey, you!' That's how you'd start this conversation. I know you didn't start talking to me, and you probably didn't ask me to introduce myself, but I'm going to anyway. Why? Because that's how I do conversation, and if you don't like it that way, get...
5's a party
Summer was finally rolling in for England, bringing out the sociability of even the most introverted of individuals. The summer sun shone out at long last, making everyone instantly forget the past few weeks of grey clouds and bringing them out to...
Weird Dreams - Saul
The air in the summer night hung over the Greek villa, the humidity turned up to the maximum for this time of year. The walls of the villa were coated in glistening droplets of water, running down the white bricking of the building and the running...
Weird Dreams - Anders
Anders was having a relatively cosy night in tonight, nothing planned but a bit of TV, having a chat with friends whilst scrolling the web, and a bit of light reading. It was a particularly good night to plan this as well, as his brother Saul had...
Weird Dreams - Alex
Exam season had come around again, and everyone was stressing out over it. Students were filling the library on campus, budging to get the last free computer on all six floors, from first years who delayed their essays, third years getting last minute...
Friday Night pick-up
It was a Friday in early spring, and the working week was rolling down, making way for the weekend. This was the time for everyone to shed off responsibilities of the week, making time for the fun of life and crafting stories to share with friends....
Brotherly bonding
An equine lodger, Saul, was sprawled across a beige plush sofa, remote control in hand. He flicked the remote in a lazy rhythm, passing channel after channel in a futile attempt to find something to kill some time. "A thousand something channels, and...