Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 2

About a mile away is a sort of old church. too large to be properly protect and keep me from getting in and the pastor of the church, the few times he has found me is patient enough to not try and turn me in right away.

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Change in Venue- April

As an effort to soothe the people near his orange county church he had come up with a way to put their minds at ease. it was a simple trinket that people could buy from his church to calm themselves, which was always his intent.

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College, Chapter 4

I want to see other churches." "we don't have a church building of our own yet, so," i shrugged myself, sitting down on the sofa, "you could sort of see what we're all about, but you won't really see what it is."

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Conclusion

They usually hold a frightful grudge, those high-church types."

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part H

\*\*\*\*\* (H/\*\* 07/23/2013) There was a long silence after Brother Fenimore's question. After all, it might have been a mere rhetorical device. ["Myself, mine heart bleeds. Have you forgotten the tongue of ancestors and kin?"] ["It...

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"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part A

This is the seat of the archbishop of the mephitist church, and it's a pretty imposing building.

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Behind Closed Doors

"Ladies and gentlemen, it hurts me to say this, but it is the truth. The Gods want you to know it, and it falls on my shoulders to tell you." The impressive-looking black wolf scanned...

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Tales of the Stars Chapter 5: The true battle with Emil! The fight between the Star-Users!

Emil shook his head and said "ok let's split up, i'll meet you near that church ok?" shiro looked at the church and then shook her head, after that, they both went into different directions of the village.

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The basement of the wolf's home, was large enough to serve as a church of santeria, the syncretistic religion which combined the saints of catholicism, such as lazarus and mary, with primitive west african deities- a religion devised by african slaves to hide

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 12

The bed seems to be situated in more or less the same part of the church that i would sleep when i came here in the past.

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Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 11

The first voice speak, i turning to look at it and notice that it's the pastor from the church i would hide out at. "my guess is the blankets are too warm," the first voice answers for me.

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Upon Deaf Ears

The grand bells of the church rang aloud, calling all those faithful to prayer throughout the small town. the church was quite an extravagant building; it's main body bearing windows of holy furs and others telling the story of our lord.

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