Bucky: the Oh Deer ending
\*clop\* he would stop and breath through the pain \*clop\* he reached his hands around as far as he could \*clop\* he closed his eyes at the exertion.
Working Things Out: Part II
clop. clop. clop. clop. he doesn't see them with his own eyes--he can't. into the circle of light step two pointed boot toes, the leather polished until they're twin mirrors.
Horny Dash
She also kept a rather naughty drawing of rainbow dash in there, made by the infamous canterlot clop artist "cloppy hooves."
MLP classroom capers (by mugman)
Shire sat down and started to write out a quick none clop fic story. as the fillies and colts came in they saw shire writing and wondered what he was writing.
Enemies By Day...
Ahuizotl snuck into the house quietly, closing the door behind him. He looked around the room. It had been cleaned up and organized since the incident the day before. He was always amazed by how much she got done in a day. It was one of the things he...
"Oh no no no no no!" Applejack said worriedly, trotting in place nervously. "This can't be! Yer all out?!" "I'm afraid so Applejack." Shop Keep said regretfully. "I take it the heat has taken your brother?" "Ya got that right!" Applejack said loudly....
To Save the Farm
"Gosh darnit those twins!" Applejack said to herself. "It's been a week since they left and ah'm still so angry with 'em! How dare they try to take our farm from us? We've put generations of blood, sweat, and tears into this farm and ah'll be damned if...
With a snort he clopped off to see about the other eternal prisoners - and guests... the end
Open Content Stream Story: Trust No Body, Trust No Thing
clop. another step. "someone there?" clop. clop. clop. they were getting louder, coming from the front door. kris took a step out from the bedroom, his nerves mounting again.
Over in that Meadow (ch 2) The Madness of restriction and the deer story
" all of a sudden i heard this noise that sounded like clop clop clop, over and over again!
Penchant: CH 4*: Mirrors
And remember a \* after the chapter number denotes clop elements.
Forbidden Love
"I'm home!" Twilight called as she stepped through the sliding glass door. Twilight had just gotten home from Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. She hadn't expected their parents to be home yet. Both her mother and father worked long...