Friend? (TWC ch3)
Chapter 3: Friends? "You're cutting wood today." Spat today's man, one Anya didn't recognize. Each the the outlaws sent a different man to wake Anya each morning. It was never the same person, nor was it ever the same person as the same person as...
Agony of Steel part 2
**This fan fiction is rated M for blood, gore, torture, adult language, and mature sexual themes. I do not own Pokémon or associated media's.** \*\*\* Agony of Steel Part 2 "Get in there you little mut!" the human named Roc shouted as he roughly...
Catacombs of Kabal: Chapter 1
Catacombs of Kabal Chapter 1: The streets of Kabal were just as busy as any other night as the cloaked figure made his way through back alleys. It was always best to avoid the streets as one could never tell what barker would...
Worthless, part 2
**Not so long ago.** _"Listen up!"_ Silence fell, and listen we did. "_My immediate employer has been hassled by the company commitee to "Abide by the rules of the SPCH"_ Ruaridh spoke slowly, as if we would struggle to understand. _"Don't get your...
Zal's Chronicles - Chapter 2: Cruelty
Zal began to stirr, his body groaning from aches and pains that had occured from hours before, his eyes flickering open to look out across the room, rusted metal covered the walls, after awhile, Zal began to realize that in this creature's workshop,...
Forbidden Temptation (short story)
A short about temptation, corruption, betrayal, lying, stealing, cheating, use, abuse, cruelty & violation on so many levels! first, he invites temptation, to use him as bait, for an evil trap.
No Frills: Keys the Kenku
The jailers themselves no doubt did this out of cruelty, but the cruelty didn't hit home in the way they'd expected.
the tyrant master
#1 of jerimahia's cruelty. an:this is a series intro the real torture will most likely start next chapter.
Owning My Humanity -- Anger
It's weird how cruelty passes from one person to the next, in ripples, changing us each for the worse... making us so guarded and callous. i want to get back to that innocence as much as i want vengeance.
I Ask Myself How Is It I Have Come
You knew, i know, the windless desert air where sun is cruelty, and never sets, and teaches but one lesson--nobody ever will help you, ever will defend. did you despair as deeply as did i?
The Taste of Terror Chapter 6: Part II
"i regret the cruelty, and i feel nothing but the cruelty." damian shivered quietly, reaching up to clasp a claw to his vast, powerful chest. "and it hurts... oh my word, i am suffering at last. i can despair! i... i can weep.
I, Suspect
I could sense it again, feeling with intricate familiarity the same pattern, the cycle that would lead irrevocably to my husband's cruelty.