Demon's darkest fear

**demon's darkest fear** demon sat with angel under an apple tree near the fair grounds, she looks at her as the wind blows gently. "angel?" "yeah?"

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Lykos - Darkest Night

**lykos: darkest night** _co-written by leo\_todrius and trickster\_d_ silence, calm, stillness and serenity.

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XIII. Darkest hour

darkest hour** _as told by nina_ i was woken up by the sound of someone crying. at first, i thought kaeden was having a mental breakdown, until i realized the source of the sound was much closer to me.

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Darkest Side of the Moon

The creepy crawlies and monstrous follies may carry out our mental doom; however do we truly know what lies under the darkest side of the moon?

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Trade: To the Darkest Places

**Captured With Kisses** The deep sound of his own voice slowly stirred the bunnywolf leaving him to easily shift his body in place. His figure beginning to finally wake again and while that very muscular body of his adjusted he could feel his arms...

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The Pride of the Darkest Night

There it was, the darkest night. the design looked gothic and very elegant. it had the clubs name in black neon lights. a crowd of dark-types handing a tyranitar bouncer their invitations. "next!" the bouncer yelled.

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Gatomon's Darkest Decent

Gatomon's darkest descent story one-chapter one the brisk tokyo night air seemed cool but warm considering of it being late november with several human beings strolling about going about their own business without a real care in the world

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Darkest before the 'Mon

Shaking his head, Oliver slowly came to, the hard metal surface under him making him confused for a moment. He wasn't at home, he was sure, nor was he outside camping. No, it had been the middle of the day when Oliver last recalled, a cloudy day, but...

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vent writing

Soul, eyes that burn so deeply one can not fathom what is with in. the darkest of oceans where many go to live out their darkest realities and the truths within.


The Dark Wish

#1 of poems the dark wish richard barrett one full moon, at highest sky; dragon tears, phoenix dies; from darkest hate come the lies; the darkest wish has come to fly.

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Prologue to With In Our Darkest Hours/ Update

#1 of with in our darkest hours _um...hello again to anyone out there who follows me. it feels like it's been forever since i managed to post anything on this site, but...the time has come.

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Poem Of A Broken heart #3

For the darkest time has come to pass, for i am alone at last.

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