Elder Scrolls Stream Story 1: Forge-Side Service
The first of four elder scrolls stories from yesterday's stream, requested by zsisron. **forge-side service for zsisron by draconicon** crests-with-foam was a hard worker, and so was his friend, hammers-red-steel.
Twelve Days of Skyrim - TES Arrow in the Knee Christmas Song
On the first day of Skyrim, my companion gave to me... An arrow to the knee! \* \* \* On the second day of Skyrim, my companion gave to me... Two stolen sweet rolls! And an arrow to the knee! \* \* \* On the third day of Skyrim, my companion...
K'Jaar adventures 1
"you need to find elder scrolls"! k'jaar didnt whaited soo he begined his adventuer for looking a elder scrolls!!! charpet 9.
The Elder Scrolls: The Madman Moony Chronicles I: The Prince of Parties
Herin lies the story of a mortal. His beginnings matter little, as they were drab and boring, like most things in Tamriel. The really important part is where I come in. Without me, he would have stayed boring. Let me tell you a story now about one...
Elder Scrolls Story: Burning the Nest
Burn the Nest for DrakeHavok by Draconicon The last Falmer died with its heart exploding in the Argonian's hand, and he shook his fingers a few times to scatter the flecks of heat-dried blood to the floor. Arga glanced over his shoulder towards...
A Less Rude Tale - Part 2
"Will there be anything else?" the Imperial barkeep asked. _I can't believe she makes me do this._I hesitated, resting the tray of breakfast on the counter. He had that not-quite-honest smile that innkeepers wear when talking to patrons. I cleared my...
Elder Scrolls Story: The Anal Thief
Commissioned by fa: handofblades during the elder scrolls stream, we have a little story of a thief and his apprentice, with one trying to earn the right to learn from the other.
Foot Fetish Stream Story 8: Summer's Heat in Summerset
**Summer's Heat in Summerset for Mishanti and Dexter by Draconicon** Though the magical lights of the Altmer shone throughout the Isles, there was always a point where night would no longer be denied. With the air hot and still, and the lights...
The Argonian Chronicles: Scout's Honor
Scouts-Many-Marshes The water lapped against the docks. The wood creaked and groaned with each movement. I leaned down again to pick up another crate from the latest shipments to Windhelm. "Hey, Marshes, pick up the pace before I kick your sorry...
ShadowScale: A love story
ShadowScale: A love story By Nicholas Martin Written on 9/3/2011 Incase you are ignorant to the terminology and traditions of Blackmarsh the term ShadowScale is a title given to any Argonian born under the sign of The Shadow. The Blackmarsh...
The Asassin's Dark Tales-Chapter VI: Snake in a Crate
#7 of elder scrolls sitting in an abandoned shack built in the poor water districts of the imperial city, swift-knife sat quietly, his cloak over his head as he dipped his claw into the mutilated body of a dunmer who use to work in the imperial trading
The Assassin's Dark Tales-Chapter I: First Meeting
#2 of elder scrolls days' hiding in his old lair-the immense sewer of the imperial city-the prisoner was once more in almost complete darkness and have grown tired of the smell of sewer. he wanted to be free and out into the world.