Full Moon Mating - Restraint
All very normal errands that made her feel normal, like she still belonged among other normal people. she walked past countless people on her errands, and was happy that, on the day of the new moon, none of her hungers for human flesh surfaced.
More then just friends lFinding Lexiharinl
Oklain sighed, he'd constantly have to run errands for the mob boss, luckily these errands never involved actual crime...the only problem was how long before they would have to soon escalate?
Coach riely began to ask jacob to run an errand for him and jacob had taken it from him and headed torwards mr. frank's room which was two doors down from his homeroom which held the ending point for the errand.
lMore Then Just Friendsl lMore Then Just Friendsl
But what haunted oklain was the errand his father gave to him before he was ordered to track down a target, the errand where he tracked them down, and killed them himself.
Cross Hares
On an errand? you told me he was up and decorating with you this morning. i went out and hired a private investigator to find our father, who went on an errand?"
Tino's Training
Tino sat in the car during his master's last errand, free to relax in his trapped messy state.
The Hero of Kvatch - A Prequel Fanfiction
One day shortly after we'd met, she sent me on some errand or other to kvatch. believe me, i had no idea about that whole oblivion thing at the time! i was just going there on an errand for quill, and no humbler traveler can be imagined.
{Pokémon/Babyfur} Pikachu's Diapered Days
While chase happily rides on lightning's back, the remainder of the errand goes smoothly while the family gets all of the groceries they need.
10000 Septims
Your master sent me on an errand--" the apprentice cut off dreet with a snort. "my master sent you on an errand? what are you, his second apprentice?
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.2 Doen
"he said he had to run some errands." the human responded. "oh... like to the dry goods store?" i inquired.
A Love Like Ours- Ch.1: Make a Wish
"cid called and told me there are some errands he'd like us to run." sora slumped in his chair, groaning. "errands? laaame." i elbowed him in the ribs. "hey!
Pokemon's Gift Chapter 3: Some advice and an errand
"How about Lily?" The lopunny shook her head. "How about Mira?" No. "Krista?" Another no. "What could your name be?" Ark had been pondering it for the last hour, suggesting names he thought fit her, each time he had...