
#1 of evolution lucey has always wanted to be part of the hunters, just like her father. but when her dream comes true and she joins team icarus of district 8 nothing is simple. can she get through the difficulties of bonding with her new teammates?

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This my friends is evolution." jonathon said admiring his accomplishment. he walked over to his desk and grabbed a clip board and walked back. jonathon handed it to dexter and said "check everything to see if there's any flaws".

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The light lasted ten seconds, enough time for the zoroarks to get out of the water and in position, not wanting to interrupt their opponent's oddly time evolutions. once the light faded the two shook it off as they got used to the changes.

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Seahorse Placoderms

A speculative evolution exercise in an alternate timeline two lineages of placoderms convergent with syngnathid fish evolved: - longmaiformes were a clade of arthrodires of uncertain affinities as they more or less appear in the mid-devonian fossil

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Dark Nativity...

-- wouldn't a reverse evolution birth be totally cool?! _ **dark nativity** _ john and marsha were hoping for a baby, but instead they got a velociraptor. at their prenatal sonogram, dr.

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Fucking Entitlement

Ever wonder where the fuck all these furries come from? Me **fucking** too. I'm absolutely sick of there not being a consistent universe in which furries exist. One story they are this, another they're that. I'm sick of it. And god damn it, I'm...

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Luka - The Son of the Tyrant - Chapter 17 – Evolve to become happy

Let us go on with the search before it´s getting to late. " they both searched for the rest of the day but they didn´t found another evolution stone.

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An Alternate History For Placodonts

Placodonts were some of the most resilient groups of Triassic marine reptiles, consistently surviving minor extinction events with minimal diversity loss until the mass extinction. In one timeline, this did not happen. Instead, their diversity...

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Pokémon: Darkest Taboo, Pt43

**PART FORTY THREE.** Looking down in to those innocent sparkling eyes looking up at him as if the lewd act she was performing was someone else doing and not hers, the Buneary's little moans and whimpers only endeared herself into heart as...

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The Last Good Thing - Universe Pilot

**_Disclaimer: This story, the characters within it, the fictional names and places, the technologies, etc; the Universe in which this story is written is my own creation. In instances of ambiguity regarding the fictional status of something is...

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The Far Side of Immortal

Back in the day- back when he'd been young and foolish and thought it would be a great experience to become immortal- he still believed that sentience was the height of evolution.

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Mayday!!! Mayday!!! Mayday!!! (1)

Tired but ready to go also. " he always called his crew special because he had a team of all eevee evolutions. splitted fairly into males and females. "i only hope that they can hold their fingers away from each other or away from the passengers.

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