
It was there in the corner of my eye every time i moved. when i saw it, that's when i noticed it had eyes too. it had my friend's eyes."

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_some eyes are brown_ _some eyes are green_ _but none are more perfect_ _than the eyes as blue as the sea._ _these eyes rival none_ _in beauty and charm_ _and with them gone_ _so are my wit and happiness._ _but these eyes are also inquisitors_ _

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I Know (poem)

But when i'll finally catch you, i'll look into your eyes and i'll be swallowed by their gentle hue. then, i'll instantly know, there will be no good-byes...

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The Origin Of Loud Eyes-Part 1

Once he reached it, loud eyes noticed the light wasn't the sun. it was a tigress of light, almost an angel. he approached her. loud eyes spoke,"hello, my name is loud eyes."

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Aliving hell ch.2

,'' scream i then see the inmate standing in a corner behind me i turn around and am met with the eyes of my demon face to face we stand ''why!,'' i shout ''whyyyyy!

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No one knew - Captured and abused

She tries to hold her vibrant green eyes open, but her face even hurts more then before and she feels her body grows tired. that yellow sign grows bigger now and blinks. **medical attention needed!

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Warm eyes

These eyes, these warm eyes stare at a body that is not yours one last time, before they glaze over. the eyes still there, but the warmth gone. a body that is yours, leans down and pulls out an arrow with a damaged head.

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I don't know, suggest a name in the comments

I guess this could be considered a prologue to a story I want to write Alexander woke in the morning it was a warm, calm morning and The sun shinned through the blinds, falling onto the white carpet. Alexander arose slowly, sitting up...

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My Three Jewels: The Finding

#1 of my three jewels a red eyes black dragon lord goes on a midnight fly finding the most precious treasures for the taking, a triplet of blue eyes white dragons.

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1:24 Eye For An Eye

Zias growled, eyes ablaze. "an eye for an eye." "because you want to take hets down as badly as i do." the fox reminded him. "you want to see him fall from his golden throne over palamont.

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Eye for an eye - part 1

#1 of eye for an eye a shadow fell onto the small town of ilsh, three large dragons flying about in the sky, this being a warning to the people of what is to become of their city.

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