Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse (part 1)
Thank you and enjoy the zombie apoc-fur-lypse.
It's freezing, as usual, when I come home. They keep us working far longer than they should and I am exhausted. When I get home and climb into bed there's someone already there. Greffel hops up, wagging. "Good evening!" "What?" I stare at...
09 History of the World Part Fur
On earth the war between the humans and the furs continued for decades, wiping out most of the humans along the way.
The lady and the furs.
" i'm a lofty lovely woman," says the lady in the furs, in the glance she throws around her on the poorer dames and sirs: " this robe, that cost three figures, yes, is mine," her nod avers.
A Child's Vengenance; Chapter 2
"they're all part of the same organization, they kidnap, rape, and prostitute furs out of sheer hate, they claim to fight for the rights of humanity against the ever increasing anthro population, and they killed samantha's parents under that pretext, "saving
Highschool Romance
He moved fast through the large crowd of furs and humans. being a fur with humans around was hard, but a sucssesful fur was even harder. he had plans and very few furs made them selves hightime rollers, as the kids call it in highschool.
Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse: Cadence VanHousen's Prologue
Zombie apoc-fur-lypse-- cadence vanhousen's prologue copyright 2010 comidacomida few people understood physics in the way that cadence did.
A Modern Business Cat | Day One
In which miko is now a fully functioning fur in a world where furs have yet to be viewed as more than a minority. this is a smut writing and so it contains adult themes. this is a human x female fur so if you're not into that you don't have to read.
Azure Booty
The dangerous mouth of the fur dragon was eating his way through his butt, pushing deeper into the warm softness inside. with a light kiss on azura's asshole, aka stood up.
Furs and feathers
The emus formed a football team Up the field far away; Their dark-brown sweaters were smooth as cream But kangaroos would sit and scream To watch them play. 'butterfingers,' they would call, And suck-like names; The emus couldn't hold the ball...
Finding Sanity. Chapter 1
Her dark brown fur shining in the light. her olive green eyes and elegant silk fur were enough to drive any male crazy, which is the reason she was in here. apparently promiscuity is a reason to be claimed mentally incompetent too. "how do you know?"
A furry world - Part 13
By the time we were done candy had returned with sarah who was wearing a straw hat with holes for hir ears and hir fur was covered in dirt "lupus, laika your back and here i was hoping to have a shower before you got here" shi said looking at the earth stained