Interspecies Pamphlet (Initial Species Guide To Silver City Universe)

White pelted k'han most commonly have blue eyes, but there have been instances of violet eyes with heterochromia being quite common amongst those with white pelts.

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Dragon and Reptilian - A Comparison

Quetzalcoatl, for instance, was a snake with feathered wings, while the babylonian dragoness tiamat was described as having the parts of many animals, the reptilian aspects making up a minority of them.

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Living the Dream, Part Three

For instance, the rules of looking sharp hadn't changed one bit. good outfit, commanding posture, and excellent hair. the only difference was tending to all the fur, but that was easy enough.

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The First Hard Steps

The jocks, for instance, all had the intellectual capabilities of a brick, yet everyone seemed to affiliate himself with that group.

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Lost Within Thoughts...

Nothing seemed to ever go right....yeah, i get my ocassional bad luck instance. nothing entirely did ever make sense thoug. even with my boyfriend who says he is supposed to visit me, does not seem to come and see me, even though its been a long distance realationship

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Legacy Chapter Six

A distinction that further serves to differentiate chimeras from humans are the instances where the word 'mate' is used in place of 'husband' or 'wife.' such instances can often be viewed as the chimera equivalent to marriage.

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Overreach ~ Part 4 [Sketch]

If he paused and focused he could smell her on the air too, also familiar after so many showers together, so many evenings spent doing just this, so many other, smaller instances.

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What kinds of Kyruku are there?

Kyruku : standard kyruku are the most populous of all the species, and closely resemble a european red fox in most instances.

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Unknown Within

I feel his pleasure in passing instances of chaotic length, and in those instances i find myself fully in his place. there i am, both in his body and my own, delivering my cock and taking it up my ass simultaneously.

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Blackest Heart chapter one

To push a cup of water into his hands and up for his mouth "i have healed most of your burns your eyes and voice will take more time, honestly there are less painful ways to die then bathing in shadow gloom and leaping from the spire..." a book opens "for instance


Interviewing a Nightfury Part 6

Of course we also do that sometimes, for instance if someone is having slaves but no permission for it, then they will be slaves in a mine."

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