Tina's Story Chapter 51 Flashbacks
Tina laughed, and they were off in search of decorations for a jewish christmas.
Seven Days- Part IV
Realizing the spiritual void in my own life, i took to the jewish faith and that has made a huge difference," she continued.
Tina's Story Chapter 9 -Secrets
"they're jewish" "ok" "really, really jewish. it's a bigger deal that you're not jewish than......" "that i'm part dog?" "actually, yes." "well, that's a relief......" "ray?" tina's face suddenly became serious..."
Tina's Story Chapter 66 Little Stan Becomes Jewish
Tina's story chapter 66- little stan becomes jewish the goldstein house was busy on this beautiful spring morning. stan and georgette russel had come over very early.
What Had To Be Done 2
"give her the chance to make the move on jew and jew will be just fine" boris said with a wink making balto feel a lot better.
Her quest for revenge
I am not ani-jewish. i thought it will be different having a jewish guy be the villain in this short story. raven fox
Moving in (pt. 1)
This story does not contain sex or anything remotely sexual, but still contains some language not suitable for some people, like catholics, jewish mothers, and anti-rap people. =^\_^= i'm only kidding about the jewish mother part. enjoy!
Shock to the System
The pair hurried over to the mortally-wounded jew and dragged him over to where the three officers stood, and he was flung at their feet, panting and moaning in pain. ikol stared down at him, aghast. he'd never seen a jew in such a state before.
Seven Days- Part VI
And while she may only be half-jewish by birth, she has begun a study of our faith and she takes deep comfort within it. she's a jew in spirit, if not in fact. and she has only respect for our faith and i think she'd be insulted by that.
Luca's Story Ch. 6
She wasn't a jewish woman to be messed with. the daughter of two first generation middle eastern jewish immigrants, she had all the strengths and the commanding presence. her child dare not disobey her. at least not to her face.
Sleepless Night & Trying Day
Alexis steeled her nerves and looked the matron eagle in the eyes, "i ain't leven 'im like dis, not wit jew."
A simple story I ( 8/22 )
Being jew ? » fred's voice was a bit curious. also a bit scared. « i don't care about you being jew. about being gay. » fred became quiet again. « it's what i am. i make do. i'm not really unhappy being that way, i must say. what about you ?