The Halo: Chapter Six

Chapter Six: Hurt Back in the Citadel, the Master smiled and switched the display on his desk back to the computer screen. He still wasn't sure if he was going to continue with his plan or make one fennec very, very unhappy. Maybe he would let...

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The Halo: Chapter Five

His nerves were wearing thin by now thanks to the warning of danger the vixen gave him before he left. he wasn't armed and there was no way she would hear his shouts through the metal of the cougar if things got bad. "vera, this isn't funny.

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The Halo: Chapter Four

Chapter Four: Journey Jim and Vera spent another hour cuddling in bed before he got up to take a bath. Vera opted to cook a simple breakfast for both of them while he was cleaning up. The fire had been rebuilt, the fennec's clothes sat folded near...

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The Halo: Chapter Three

The droid weaved silently and effortlessly through the thick foliage, keeping pace with a slender male tiger as he pursued his next meal or one of the guests.

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The Halo: Chapter Two

His tongue slid slowly along her collarbone, tickling her all the way from there, past the thin collar she wore to the bottom of her muzzle as she tilted her head back. jim moved back to the center of her neck before giving it a tender bite.

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Dark Star

The space within the system holding Megoji is well patrolled by ships belonging to the early defense fleet. Their job is to locate trouble, relay their findings, and assist in restoring order. They serve as a police force for the entire galaxy,...

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The Halo: Chapter One

His large ears folded flat beneath a thin hood that barely covered the top of his head. his arms were crossed in the sleeves of a light weight black jacket and held close against his chest.

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Learning Lessons Pt. 3

Warmth, pulsing and slowly growing slick with juices. Sluggish dreams dragged through the feline's exhausted mind, but that moisture, hot and pervasive, pulled him from his slumber. His cheeks were spread wide around something thick and pulsing...

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Climbing Corporate Pt. 5

He couldn't mistake his scent, even if his identity wasn't obvious by those slender, well-groomed limbs and that quiet understanding of just what the coon liked. "another long night... huh, roy?"

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My Very Own Lith Ch. 1

My Very Own Lith Chapter One The Void ............ .............................. (I have somehow awaken in the middle of nowhere...My name's Sheridan and let's be honest...I have no idea what's going on.) Sheridan: .........ooookaaay...just...

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Climbing Corporate Pt. 1

His tight suckles and slow massages earned him a steady, if thin trickle of pre, the feline happily drinking it up as he milked that cock for more.

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Climbing Corporate Pt. 4

"Ms. Drake, a boy is here from the morale department." The prim dalmatian's eyes flicked up from her finger on the intercom to the young black cat folding his paws before her. "He claims that you asked for his presence." A moment passed in silence,...

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