The Eyes of souls segment pt 2
It has been over a year sense Peter woke up in the hospital from nearly dying when the fire started in his house. As his strength returned and the insurance paid and his schooling continued he wondered about Dramix and the others before the final great...
Starlight Part 4
The mystic groans "what is this thing?" under his breath.
Profile: Isabelle Schaeffer
\*comes from a long line of mystics (fathers' side). \*usually eats a lot, but never seems to gain weight. \*a tomboy. \*is always smiling to keep her friends' spirits up, but sometimes gets depressed.
The people of my mind. Ch.3 The shaman
Your great grandfather on your mothers side though, he reminded me of all the favors i still owed him, and since he was a mystic too..." he stopped at the battered threshold of this place and aimlessly looked up, "he's sure to be a pain in my ass
Starlight Part 3
Can locate the mystic crusader along the tides of essence.
Snowblind Written By Pyke Xue Howling wind whipped through the conifer forest with bitter fury. The heavy parka did little to protect himself from the rapidly-dropping temperatures. He couldn't recall how he'd become lost. He couldn't recall who he...
Crusader Part 11
As he looks to the mystic. the mystic shakes his head "not really." the grey vixen sighs "you forgot about me?", she yanks off her charm "how about now?!" with a twisted smirk.
Starlight Parts 1 and 2
It was the mystics turn to laugh in amusement "no one applied them, i was born with them. i am a mystic wolf."
Interview with Cerberus
It was in a world below our world. A strong tide flowed through the underground caverns and out of sight. Standing on one shore didn't provide any vista of the other side of that river. The water ran different than usual one. It was darker, paler....
Heroes of Alteria Chapter 4: Mining for Trouble
There's plenty of mystic hoo hahs and spiritual looneys around that can _show you the ways of the force!"_ jeeve chuckled and said "well i guess, but what happens now?"
Crusader Part 8
The mystic says "i am certain my lord, their grand master even had a coded message more or less directed towards me."
A Pokemon Journey not to Forget!
mystic said wisely.