The Legend of The Mountains of Fire and Ice
The necromancer's closed in on both mountain tops when jack frost appeared before draco and summer stallion appeared before cruz.
A Long, Dark Road (Part 8)
Its walls were uneven and oddly angled, the perverse mass showing little of the necromancer influences that marred the shoggoth's fortress.
Chapter 6 Choosing Sides
The necromancer replied mockingly. "you know very well, how much i know you, you damned fool......." the necromancer's familiar growled from the doorstep, having been forced to remain there. samael just shrugged and smiled.
Silly Humans, Card Games are for Foxes--Chapter2
With his infernity launcher he was able to summon necromancer and avenger from the grave, and the special archfiend with necromancer's effect.
Travelers in the dark
The necromancer nodded. -- i'm fixing it now so that it will.
Change (Plus character sheet)
Only a necromancer could gain control over the undead wraiths so this guy must be one. she graphed the dagger and took it form its holster. "a blessed dagger and what you little girly were going to do with that?" necromancer asked and grinned.
Of Valor in Men: Chapter Two
"t'was a zeppelin, dunno who's or what t'was on it but it crashed into stiltsenburg, necromancer shot it down according to these mumbling fools.
His New Hoard 1: Land of the Dead
"you're in hell for being a necromancer? that's your answer?" jaceb shrugged. "right."
The Missing Lynx - Deleted Scenes
Her lashes fluttered, and she lowered her whip to give the necromancer her best 'come-hither'. "okay, i get it. sore spot. so, what's up?"
Human Experimentation
* * * he devoured the knowledge of the necromancer: the paltry spells, the weak concoctions. everything the necromancer had done, he could do better.
Furries World Chapter 2 - The second day
When john stepped in the room the necromancer turned around. the necromancer wore a black robe. on it were symbols in white but john didn't know theirs meaning. because the necromancer had his hood down john couldn't see his face.
The Missing Lynx, Part VIII
Kavah's gaze flitted back to the necromancer's black-gloved hands, then to the pile of corpses, and finally to the sewing supplies that were neatly arranged on a flat surface near the necromancer's side.