A Life Yet Lived - Chapter 3
"pichu? where did the umbreon go? did you lose it?" pichu looked up at his trainer, pointed ears laid back, and giggled nervously.
Meal Time Fun (Extreme Version)
The espeon's tongue flicks out, lapping at the pichu's sheathe, feeling the rodents hidden member tucked away inside the pouch of skin and fur. the pichu squirms at the lick, not expecting to be given pleasure.
Chapter 4: Arrival at Layuda Island
"that pichu is awfully lucky," they said.
Chapter 6: Pursuit, Destruction, and Resolution
Once she grabbed pichu, they headed to renbow island. * * * "it's been a while since we last saw everyone," summer mused as they flew through the sky, taking it slow for pichu's sake. by now, pichu had fallen asleep in her claws.
Chapter 5: Conflict at the Top
pichu was on his back. "i know you're actually latias and latios because pichu is with you. i'd like to help you again, if you wouldn't mind," he offered confidently. "how do the humans say it?
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ilex Forest
"pichu ready for a battle?" pichu eagerly accepted and jumped down to face the pineco which still seemed disinterested in what was happening. "pichu use thunder wave!"
Chapter Twenty Six - A Miracle And A Disaster
"your pichu are awesome!" he said. "thank you." electra said, smiling as she hugged the pichu. "we should feed them." i said as i took the pichu back from cammy. "what should we give them?" "milk." cammy said. "for now, just milk."
A Tale of Fire & Grass Chapter 4: The Coal Badge
With a shout pichu shot a wide bolt of lightning at the charging pokémon. cranidos hardly wavered as the thunderbolt struck against him, leaving burns along his head and body as he continued to sprint towards pichu. "again pichu!"
Good Deeds Have Shocking Benefits
He was a pichu! jimmy felt emotions well up inside of him. he hadn't just changed species, but as a pichu he was a 'baby' pokemon.
Help Wanted
This time, though, she came with a friend: a pichu, who followed happily a few feet behind her. it was hard to tell while looking upside-down, but from the look of things the pichu was probably a student.
Electric Touch: Chapter 33 (mPikachu x fRaichu)
Pikachu ran between raichu's legs where the newborn pichu was laying. he immediately grabbed it and began to lick the newborn pichu clean and gently took it in his arms.
Chapter 8: The Rainbow
"pichu, i'll need you to distract him," she said. pichu jumped off her back and onto amun's and fired a thunder shock attack. he attempted to buck him off but pichu held on as tightly as possible.