Character Profile: Megumi

This is because of her psychotic power to move objects are specifically linked only to her weapons.


Don't Be Alone

These thoughts relieved serena, and also brought new fears to her mind, were these shadows all psychotics? and who knew how many of them could have been perverts in their sad lives.

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Babysitter Supreme: Marcus’s Story

By the time his mind cleared, that psychotic tiger had tied his ankles together and linked them to his neck so that he would be just barely able to stand.

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Full Circle Chapter 1

I stopped that psychotic asshole, for christ's sake!" "your honor, you ruled that this witness cannot testify about my client's state of mind..." "the jury will disregard the witness' statement referring to the defendant as 'psychotic.'"

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.7 - The Malicious Masquerade

"we believe that the gas had been leaking for some time causing psychotic behaviour in the members of the group, as well as blisters and boils and other physical ailments" he repeated. slowly, and deliberately.

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Vixen's Invitation, Part 2

If you need a good comparison, and are an anime fag like me--imagine the vulpecubi as somewhat of a mix of light yagami's dream-boy good looks and lady-killer personality, and elder toguro's sadistic sense of humor, creepiness, and psychotic laugh.

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What I Want

#5 of a thousand megatons of love the poetry of jason, #1 so far, these stories have been showing jason's lover as being more psychotic than jason. let's dispell those rumors.

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Origins: Conclusion

His eyes pulsed red, and he replied "the anti-psychotics were the only thing keeping me from becoming something like 'the laugh', and now they're gone.

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Tremor City Rogues Gallery: Mad Cyrus

A murderous, psychotic smile adorns his face and three small earrings are embedded into his left ear. his preffered attire consists of a dark grey furnace suit pants, recalibrated gravity boots and a dark grey tank-top.

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My life with blaziken chapter 11

I was standing in my yard with half the neighborhood staring at me like i was some kind of psychotic wife beater. they were right about the psychotic part i suppose. "yeah.... this looks way worse than it is" i said to my neighbors.

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Gap Year: Qu'est-ce que?

Jake and brent see what life is like with a psychotic murderous panther! i woke the next morning curled up with jake and the worst case of morning wood in the history of the subject.

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Astral High - Chapter 2

He's the psychotic son of the one of the other founders of the industry." [daniel's grandpa] "how's he 'psychotic'?" [ted] "well, he's brilliant, but he likes to make weapons.

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