She was quick to point it out, asking when she had put them on, where she had bought them, little mundane questions. she could hardly expect the girl to grab her new ears and react as she had, eyes going wide with terror.
She still had a lot of questions that remained unanswered, though... "lydia... how does it work?" "how does what work?" "how do two girls... you know..." "oh... you're in for a good time." lydia moved off of serena's arm, allowing it to move free.
the question. poem
Why the question i want answer. the question in my mind. i don't care about my limits. it worth everything i got for a chance. hold my breath, walk in soaking my cloths. the sun is setting leaving the sky orange.
The question and confusion
# the question and confusion by ~[conor-80]( confusion has taken the place of words words that should have been said have been left unsaid life only comes once yet why do words fail me those unsaid words eat at
So many questions, so little _time_. time is what i lack, but questions about it, i do not. in the course of my life i will only have less and less of it.
I have begun to question it further than just electric currents in the human brain. so... i was reading this book... and it made me think, these anthropomorphic animals we draw...
Post Nut Confusion (AS "Q")
The lynx was agonizing over a question. one he's never asked before. "what in the fuck did i just watch?" ...... day's later, he still had no answer. and many more questions, every moment was peppered with debate.
(Question) Why Are There Different Art Styles?
This is where we start to find some answers to our question.
_I Look To the Heavens Wondering,_ _Who Shall I Meet Once Again?_ _I Look To the Earth Wondering,_ _Who Shall Miss Me?_ _I Look Behind Me Wondering,_ _Who Shall Betray Me?_ _I Look Ahead Of Me Wondering,_ _Who Shall I Be My Friends, My Lover, My...
2 dogs, 1 cat.. end well? hmmm....
I have no idea why i made this but awnser ja question!!!! o.o if you put 2 dogs in the same pleace as one cat... what well happen o.o....
A/N: Very much so inspired by the A Perfect Circle song of the same name and my own sense of the macabre. Read while you listen to it. I listened to it when I wrote it. Thinking about this has been keeping me from other things. I ramble. Also, tell me...
Darkness 2: Saved
Now, onto question two.' he points the sword at me again from amongst the flames, which dance around the rusted iron, caressing the blade with their warm touches.