It's So Easy
"well, i need to get a little bit better about what i say or people'll think i'm racist." "i don't think anyone will accuse you of being racist... you have too much of the deer-in-headlights look."
Croxymoronology Idiotus Hummus
Laterhosen panty racist stereotypes not 100% pie chart. nevar forgat 9/11. the flooding and likes and selfies and destruction made jokes. of nevar forgating hate.
Cyanide of Riddance chapter 4.
But they were really racist words. "no, honey!" boydane groaned. "they never censor racism! i'm talking about the words like ninxflunt!" "ooh. i could never say that. those are bad words."
The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 8 Now It's Personal!
I will not tolerate racism in my home! understood?!'' surprisinly the digimon were not frightened, they were not scared. instead they cheered, in complete confusion michael smiled.
Just Another Lonely Pup (prologue)
This started the 4 of us off: the first thing on the base of their cheating father, and my lying racist dad. i don't know what's worse now, that i almost forgot about this or that i didn't believe it for years.
Don’t Need Your Guilt
Be something i feel i have to exclaim your overbearing guilt isn't needed and neither is your self flagellation or copious shame i get that it's a lot carrying the knowledge of the atrocities of the past as well as the terribleness of the racist
You Only Live 18 Times - #1 (SpyJirra)
Someone said the pun within the khajiit racist comment was too obscure, but i don't think so. i dunno, i found it funny anyway.
You Don't Need To Understand
Maybe they've never experienced racism or homophobia and they just don't understand what your life has been is like but still they try to support you and avoid words they know you consider to be slurs and insults.
Trust Trial (Chap16, book9)
And once a racist, always a racist, i suppose. i had a strong dislike for mythological supernaturals at the time - vampires, werewolves, succubae and incubi, just to name a few." "get on with it," conner muttered.
Chapter Twenty-Four
"you used to racism then?" smirked the vulnira officer sat at the desk in front of him. "is that why you killed janus? wanted a chance to stick it to us vulnira, for what happened to you horses?"
A Nice Guy
Wait... that wasn't racist, was it? i swear i wasn't trying to be racist! well, anyway, daren's eyes were wide with amazement as he looked around, so i figured i made a pretty good pick, yay me!
Zootopia In-Depth Review
Zacharek is correct that zootopia is about racism, but the film can also represent women's rights as i previously stated. (stephanie zacharek.)