The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eight
We need to find a radioactive filter, and fast, otherwise, his dna will literally melt, fusing with itself, in a way that there'll be nothing left of him but a pool of water."
The King of All Realities [PTRN]
radioactive material oozed from their containers, spilling like water along a countertop as it all pooled under his feet.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 1
The remaining devastation saturated our lands with enough radioactive isotopes to last more generations than we will see live.
Kaiju Cosplay
His lips pulled back into a far wider grin than before, showing off a good deal of teeth, as he scooped up a handful of the radioactive candies.
Wastelands-Chapter 8
"but the house isn't radioactive?", nero questioned following his ears to nat's feet and sitting down, "so why are you still wearing it?" "it's not to keep rads out, it's to keep them in", nat explained, "my body is a shot, radioactive mess."
Pandora's Templar - Chapter 37
"that's definitely doable" i replied, "but how do we dispose of the warheads and radioactive waste?" i asked.
Wastelands-Chapter 7
They varied in size and shape and it seemed the bigger they were, the more radioactive and electrically charged they were.
The King of All Realities [TSR]
radioactive material oozed from their containers, spilling like water along a countertop as it all pooled under his feet.
Till Death 6
"she zaid she didn't know jjere were ojjer intelligent zpeciez jjat were radioactive," said drazzy. "you mean," said dorn, "she thought that i..." "yeah," drazzy gave a luminous grin, "jjat your zpeciez was radioactive juzt like mine."
Ant and Four 1 - Ferry Number Four
Congratulations, sir, you are no longer dangerously radioactive. and if you keep taking your pills you'll soon reach background levels." "how do they work?"
The Tales of Sorath (part seven)
He's a russian who is selling uranium and other radioactive materials to people, not even caring about the consequences. a company that legally sells radioactive materials want revenge since they're losing customers to him.
DRG Lost Miners series
radioactive cave leech a lone scout in the radioactive inclusion zone gets nabbed by a common hazard. however, a recent mutation to these pests changes everything.