Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 02

Eve looks back to her paper, reading the note above the last question 'only ask if he shows recognition towards the photo' she looks back to him, he had indeed shown recognition, not complete recognition of course but there were some things that he

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The White Robe Chapter 26

On another monitor, a readout of the facial recognition software began combing through all of the records in central that had attached photos of faces.

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Chapter 3: A Grand Re-union

Then something like recognition was in his eyes. "i may not be the only survivor." he said. a glimmer of hope now in his eyes. "isn't that tall plains?" cynder asked. "yes it is." replied spyro. "i need you to take me there!"

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Scoped, Dropped, never Mourned

I'd been overlooked during the conscription, and when i volunteered to join i was praised, promised parades and party recognition of my service from the politburo and stalin himself.


Between Dreams and nightmares Beta2

I mean, who doesn't wish for one's hard work/labor to be appreciated, and who is it to say that once she'd finally gotten her recognition that she would relent her night to the coming of her sisters sun/day.

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Praetorian: Chapter 3

You'll be free of blame, but still get the heros recognition for being onsite to help with the search and rescue efforts afterwards.

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, a voice of recognition rings a small, blessed pound of mercy to petition the lightning-strik'd cycle of normal course where life and death, love and fear, begat from sublime source.

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Between Dreams and Nightmares

I mean, who doesn't wish for one's hard work/labor to be appreciated, and who is it to say that once she'd finally gotten her recognition that she would relent her eternal night to the coming of her sisters sun/day.

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A Boy and His Kobold

Taking advantage of alerion's moment of surprised recognition the creatures countenance quickly changed from one of abject terror to a growl of anger and desperation.

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It's Elemental, My Dear Boy

The surface of the pool of seawater danced in recognition of the sound and water was tapped. a fourth note sounded from the same source as the other three. william felt a stir between his hind legs.

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05 - Luna’s Call

A pained expression flowed into her features and all of the stallions present glanced at each other in recognition of her meaning. "we have to neutralize them somehow," blue shield spoke first.

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Kaleb Kamir - Character Detail

Constantly trying to step out of his fathers shadow he moves to gain recognition as the one who exterminated the draconian pest problem, that he and many of his fellow villagers felt their village was suffering from, by killing malakye.

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