Part 1: Finding a Peaceful Pack Home

Hybrids and humans now populated the earth. there are still very few hybrids around as the humans try to segregate themselves but to no success. and now 50 years later( bringing it to 2150), they live, work, and fight together.

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* Poem* Species Dysphoria II

* * * species dysphoria ii segregation * * * | ![sd2_6_400.png]( | turn off read games only don't mix eye surgeon in through gaudy caribbean blue eventually made of light.

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Upcoming Series - Death from the Shadows

These topics include: racism, segregation, child abuse and, murder. if any of these topics bother you, reader discretion is advised._

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DRAGON HEART : legends of the guardians

Planet just like ours, but only that planet is inhabited by "dragons" called " the dragon's keep". these dragons are more civilized than you would expect, they do the same lifestyle like we humans do, but only they live in a more mideavil way. this world is segregated

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Anyone who can help the year was 2085, the military has grown in it's forces against the massively growing crowds in front of the white house after 215th amendment to the constitution was passed by the government that all lgbt's must wear pink and to be segregated


Chapter 1

The one thing he'll abolish is segregation. no longer will humans have to eat outside, wait outside the store until all of the animaltaurs are done shopping, or work in awful conditions.

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Lifestyle of Sex: A New Job

Rather than being rounded up for experimentation, the furries were segregated from humanity, cities divided along rough lines to keep them apart. despite their best efforts, the united nations soon found total segregation impossible.

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Prelude: Red Skies

segregation, hate, prejudices... they were all parts of our every-day lives. that is, until the bombs fell. journal entry 7705 date: 11/20/2659


Chapter 7 part A

For one acheron doesn't have segregation. it'll be interesting to see how trevor reacts to a place that isn't like what he grew up in. martin studies what his friend has on and chews on his tongue.

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Jake and I - Surprise

Now, break yourselves into teams, for segregation over here, against over there," the teacher said, and pointed to two opposite sides of the class room. the class' jaws dropped.

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The Hidden Wolf 3

Then came lunch, probably the greatest example of self-segregation. there were cliques for every group possible.

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Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 14

The day segregation ended. i was just a puppy, barely in elementary school, but i remember it being some of the best days of my life."

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