Leaders and Lovers - Chapter 2

Before you left for the separatist colonies to fight the war against them you told me never to join the army. you told me you could never risk losing me.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 89: Something Is Out There.... And It Has Returned.... (You Needed Me Part Five)

"as i said we are separatists." kendall said. "we have given up trying to convince the high evolutionary to grant second class citizens like us equal rights."

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The Red Princess and Her Trooper Season One EP3

"admiral, i think it would be best if you further elaborated on who these separatists are and why you are fighting them."


Flying Circus

He had half a mind to throw his lot in with the separatists to get away from his misdeeds. emyr reclined in his seat, looking up at the clouds. he could almost reach out and- a plethora of sharp cracks ripped through the air.

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Thundercats: The ones who fly at night

The steel factory had been operating as a separatist hideout for almost six full moons now.

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Truth or Dare Chapter 2: How the hell?

Unconfirmed reports have be given of an orbital platform directly engaging separatist forces._ frowning slightly katlin typed in night watch and deamos and hit the search option. what came up nearly caused her to fall out of her chair.

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Girls Gone Wild: Durango - Chapter 10

"separatist...sounds like the ravings of marvin weller." "no, the separatists are more like terrorist. they choose violence to prove a point."

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Warbands Honor Part 1

Should the separatist catch on to our plans though, we'll provide cover for you to get out with the prisoners. now i want everyone, double time!" howl kicked his heel into the ground causing dirt to smother the fire.

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The Force Transformed Chapter 1

The main separatist leader count dooku fell in battle recently and his second had been located and a good friend of mind was sent to get him. my force was sent to another contested area when we were ambushed." "i can't imagine.

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