Enchanted Noon

# Enchanted Noon - Chapter 3 in the Chronicles of the DragonRider Anitra closed her eyes and sighed. Her meeting with Blake had brought her many new pleasures, and while the sex was by far the greatest, there were others as well. Like now, as...

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Chapter 17 - High Tensions

Deadeye was aided to the down to the infirmary by Soulfox. He sat across from the injured fox on a simple chair, while Deadeye sat on the examination table. the room was sterile white and lacked in decor, but then most of the sub basement was extremely...

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Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Zaldon lay on his back, watching with hooded eyes as Kel and Aliona licked his hard dick. They were in his bed, in the lavish bedroom he shared with Julyan. The window was open and the moon shone full in the frame. The white curtains...

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch3

Author(s) Note: Yeah Ch3, almost as long as Ch1 but just a few sentences short. Basic summary, some Plot Development plus the **Queen** finally makes an appearance... Afraid to say that there is no yiff, nor will there be for a few more chapters...

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch2

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long but Schools started back up so I won't have as much time to work on the story now.... any ways here is Ch2 Disclaimer: I do not own Alien(s) & Predator(s). I'm a simple guy writing a story for your pleasure and...

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A big straight jock gets a new perspective at the paws of his teammates Pseudo-castration Jerome had always read a lot of porn magazines, and the letters about gang bangs have always been the big...

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Blackmill: Something's not right here.

"Holy shit, dude. Did you hear what happened?" The wordspopped up in small blue font on the husky Dylan's computer screen. He gave an annoyed sigh and paused the porn he had just downloaded. It was Marcus sending him an instant message....

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The Day After the Four legged Fall Ball part 1

The day after The morning sun rose over the farm. Left over pumpkins and décor littered the barn, the aftermath of the Four Legged Fall Ball. But this story opens at Hiccup Hole where two Dalmatian pups are curled up asleep under a tree over...

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A great surprise at the end of babysitting

"Wow look at her" Theo the panther cub said. "Nice, and look at this one." Jerry the fox cub said. "Neat, but look at this woman." Davy the grey furred bunny cub said. "She's nice but she can't top this lady here." Kit said and showed his friends a...

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Tied Up

If there was one thing her Greninja was good at, it was battling. He was driven to win, fiercely loyal, and well trained. But if there was a second thing he was good at, it was tying knots. Emi lay prone on the mattress and tugged at her bonds....

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Evolution of the Xenomorphs Ch 8

Author(s) Notes: YES! I finally got this done! It took way longer than it should have and what I would have liked but it's done now and I'm happy about it. YOU SHOULD BE TOO! If you notice some patchy spots, those are the areas where I stopped...

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Ms. Haley's Grand Adventures Abroad

I wrote this whole thing in five or six hours, which is generally how I write furry stuff. It's light and fluffy and adorable, in direct contrast to the usual stuff I write (you can tell because I don't even need to put a content warning here). There...

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