The Digimon Wars Chapter 13 War

He pulled one of the arrows out, he grabbed angewomons throat. michael rammed the arrow to go through her chest, he then used his claw weapon to slice her into three parts with one swing.

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Golden Legacy chap1

Xan stood ready to fire his arrows, "let me end this. holy arrows, seal his fate!" he shot five arrows at the beast and he was now melting into the ground with a roaring noise.

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My Furst Tail

I watch with mirth as the perfectly-aimed arrows bury themselves into the center of each of the spider's four main eyes. it howls again in agony, and i'm already on the move.

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Sacred Hunt

He dropped a mangled buck to the ground, a broken arrow buried in the midst of a red ruin of meat. her arrow. she recognized the fletching as her own at least, but the buck was partially mauled.

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Love is Blind (c)

She had drawn the bow out to the full length of the long arrow. elin imagined the figure of the muscular female holding the bow. how long was that arrow?

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A tale of dragons part 21

An arrow flew from the trees behind frank, in response to the dinosaur's movement. it wasn't a lethal arrow.

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Bleeding Fire: Burning Hearts

The wooden shaft of an arrow caught my attention. the tiger fell back ripping the arrow from his side. i looked for where the arrow came from and spotted melissa, with a second arrow already knocked to the bow she was carrying.

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Bandit Attack

I see the boy carefully take the arrow from the dwarf and nock the arrow and nod to me. i project my voice again, "i suggest to anyone on or in that tank to move right now unless you wish to die."

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Nathanriel's Fate: Chapter 3

Thus whenever an arrow enters one of the two barriers it starts flying normally again, making them focus on stopping the arrows before they get inside the barrier.

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Night of the Assassin, Day of the Hero

He swore "you got me there mate" t'kras replied pulling a dagger from his baldric t'kras looked intently to where the arrow had come from and when they jumped the next roof sent the dagger spinning out as another arrow came in.

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Keema's Adventure: Her Destiny

Irileth said as she fired a lightning bolt, the guards fired her arrows along with keema's poisoned arrow.

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Shadow's hunt, part eight

The moment the arrows left her bow, the world came flooding back, agony exploding in her side and she cried out in pain, but she traced the arrows on their path through the air with her eyes.

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