Human experimentation - Chapter 1 - The "brilliant" idea..

Hey guys this is my first instalment. I will post my work in series and if the one I post gets a strong response, I will post the next. Since I am new I will need all the ideas you can think of I am willing to take tangents. I do not mind a bit of...

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Human Experimentation - Chapter 3- A new dawn.

I got an even better response on my last one so here is part 3. The Training of Delta and epsilon will be the same but with different people obviously but I'm adding my own personal swings into the story like romance and other 'things'. If you're...

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Experimentation - April Rule 34 Story #2

<3 "experimentation" "hank, are you sure you don't want to come with?"

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There Was A Girl Named 69...

Now, there is a reason it's experimental." he explained, catching her full interest. "i tend not to be a doctor in the most traditional sense. i will sometimes use ancient herbal remedies to help patients.

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An update for a new year

After weaning her litter is separated and sent off to new research facilities for further experimentation and later breeding. **2057 ad** many strides in this vein of genetic engineering leads to the


A Bet is a Bet, Part 2 - Rematch

#2 of experimentation dal finally has a chance to reclaim his honor in a rematch with gypsy. "dude, i'm your roommate, not your maid!" gypsy yelled from the kitchen, annoyed that dal has, once again, left a pile of dirty dishes in the sink.

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Unicorn's Destiny: Chapter 12

Neither one of them stirred as he raised his head up and gave an experimental stretch of his jaws, working them a few times and feeling how the muscles had been well worked over.

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Far away and long ago An argonian was sold To a citizen of morrowind He payed a dozen gold He bought her not for muscle To plow and work his plot He bought her to be a maid And do the things his wife would not And so he set his girl to work He...

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Breathless - Ch. 2

The first sensation that returned to Marc was the sense of smell. Dingy, wet... rust. So pungent, it stabbed at his nostrils. His head was pounding. He had been in a low atmosphere setting before, with the breathable air causing confusion and...

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How to train your dragon: Further discoveries

The first, red part, is supposed to be an optional intro, kinda. It sets the mood a bit, just in case you have, in fact, NOT seen the movies. Which you should have, btw \>:U Life had really kicked into gear for Hiccup. For everyone, really. It was to...

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Xenophobia Written by **grrside** After the last incident the disturbing thoughts increased in both number and intensity. After walking out of the office building, Alan caught a glimpse of a poorly dressed-African man sitting on a stool, an empty...

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Happiness in the Last Bottle

He'd always had a fairly mild libido and hadn't been interested in guys beyond adolescent experimentation, yet a dozen times a day he was thinking of dick. just one more thing to talk to the therapist about.

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