The cold mistress' path- Chapter two- Three's a crowd

  I don't own Pokémon.   (Pokémon speech) "Telepathy."   "Hello?"   Ello... ello...lo...o...o...   "Fuck!" my teeth dig into my lip as I spin around, searching the immediate area for anything. Anything at all. "Sumieri?"   Eri...ri...i...i...  ...

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A Dog Named Travis: Chapter One

This was partially inspired by the song "high and dry" by radiohead] chapter one: hospitalities "mister shiloh," softly came the voice of a young nurse.

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Wolfsleiden - Teil 6: Krankenpflege

. \*\*\* zügig schritt maya durch die eingangshalle des hospitals und blieb vor einem tresen stehen. "guten tag, ich suche einen fuchs, sam reithe." sagt sie hastig.

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life with a dragon chapter 2

_ i fall back onto the hospital bed. then, sudenly i am aware that the heartbeat monitor has almost doubled in pace... _uh oh.

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Ben tells a tale

It still took a few minutes but i finally realized the hospital setting.

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Life Changing Opportunity: Chapter 3: An Offer Terminated

During the ride to the hospital, killara held nhir's hand to his cheek sobbing the entire time. on arriving to the hospital, killara and nhir were separated.

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digi kimi Chapter 15: Do I want to remember?

Said everyone 'look like we're going to the airport soon, said jason 'no need since ty dad work at the hospital they going use the hospital helicopter, ty mother work at the hospital reception when she is really needed,' said jasmine 'so how long will it

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Chapter 1: The beginning? Or the end?

Within the hour the police were outside the hospital, locking it down and trying to contain the outbreak upon sight, anyone who was seen wandering outside of the hospital was shot 20 minutes before they arrived however rick had left the hospital and was walking

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Gym Buddies II: Part Nine

**Gym Buddies II: Part Nine** "Luke... can you hear me?" I opened my eyes slowly to Al's voice. The room was bright, definitely not the gym I'd just been tortured in. A huge piece of plastic was obscuring most of my vision, so I couldn't see...

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My Personal Star Part 9

When Valin woke up, everything was blurry. He blinked slowly, but his vision only increased a little bit. Looking around, he saw a form slumped in a chair by his bed. As he moved around, stretching and rubbing at his eyes, the form moved, grabbing his...

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PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 5

With everything that happen at the school, i just glad this should be my last stop, gemini memorial hospital. twenty stories tall, each floor holding around thirty rooms, and the place where most people affected by a violent crime end up.

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The Return of Psychopuss

He got out of the hospital today. and he's right here." "ok, ok," said cody to placate alex's irritation. "and he's already out? crazy. what do you mean he's right here?"

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