Andy and the Stallion - 3/5
However, when frank noticed the way andy was bright red and looking utterly petrified, frank patted his shoulder firmly. "andy...
Commission - Hanging with Daddy
He patted at his back firmly to make him burp loudly, the whole time nick's paw patting and clenching the fox's backside and letting that diaper crinkle against his paws.
Scars Ch. 7
"sure think pat," the bartender says, fixing up another glass. * * * i dodge another slice from victor's sword. victor steps back and then returns with another blow. i block with my sword and he pins me to the wall.
Furred Traditions Chapter 2
I patted him on the back again. he smiled and wagged his tail aswell, satisfied with the beginning stages of learning the white man's language.
Month with the Babysitter (sneak peek)
He enjoyed feeling johnny's soft pudge, he gave it a soft pat and smiled, all he could hear was johnny's snoring.
Brat Fashion (Story)
Peering over across the warehouse, the hyena grinned and patted charlie again, "well, i'll see you in a bit. got some stuff to take care of." the stag was left confused with the stranger's sudden departure.
The Inescapable Us - Chapter 4
Bo coughed and there was a hint of a flush in his face as he stared at dew, who chuckled and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "i haven't had the pleasure of... of that," bo replied awkwardly. "you should," dew grinned.
Rae sighed again and pulled the little guy into his lap, continuing to stroke and pat his back as rae tried to calm down. "shhhhhhhhh~" the bear soothed gently. "it's okay little guy."
The Afterbath
I stepped back from the couch and patted my leg. peaches looked a little confused and then jumped down off the sofa. i leaned forward and patted the back.
The Aquastar Hotel
Mike pats his throat walls happy. feraligatr purr very strong and quickly devours his legs and accommodates mike in his stomach with powerful gulps. mike came to your stomach and pats his stomach happy by provide his bed.
Credits Roll, Post Game (PMD: WNA #1)
pat leaped in between us out of nowhere, bouncing up and down. "not now, brat. we're talking." axe scolded the hyperactive patrat. pat turned to stick his tongue at my partner before spinning to look at me. "ron! ron!
Late night walks with my mate Fleek
A young boy who was playing in the park ran up behind fleek and gave him a pat.