Home sweet home (Alabama)

Her morning workout is simple, aimed at keeping her toned and fit. healthy. she stretches and lunges, working up a small sweat as she completes the routine with a grin.

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Pet's Punishment 9/10: Simplicity

It was simple truth. everything becomes simple when he's like this. he undid the fly of my slacks, and drew them down, along with my underwear, before his paws dove up, under my shirt, no longer tucked in, digging into my fur.

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the bobcat's dilemma [ part II ]

It was simple, but simple enough that it lacked the individual taste that she so liked. it was a simple green polo with the lame company name and a silly little pocket. the pants were just a simple pair of white slacks to make this even blander to her.

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Lastly in the hierarchy within the church are the simple priests and priestesses who tend to the temples and act as assistants to the cardinals.

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It sounded so simple and easy, yet ana knew there was a lot of responsability hiding behind those simple words.


Mind Control Story: Smoking Dick

It's so simple, so easy, that you can just relax more and more, because it isn't hard to do. it's so easy to let your brain empty as you watch the watch, so simple to let your thoughts go blank as the watch turns."

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What Talents You Have

A plain piece of wood, with a simple iron handle and lock. it served its purpose well enough, keeping unwanted visitors out and giving samuel his much-needed privacy. the insides however were another matter.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Four

I am sure you imagine that the human world is indefinitely more complex and deep than the simple-minded dog world. and while this might be the case in some areas, you would be wrong to assume our world is simple.

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Snapshot Shards

It was so simple. it just popped in there. a simple face. two scribbled eyes and an upturned mouth in a smile. it stuck to him. he laughed, thinking of how silly it was.

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An Assassin's Tale Chapter 1: A Return Home

Outfits ranged from simple tunics like my own to extravagant wedding dresses. i tried my best to avoid crinkling my nose at the pervading scent of wool and dye.

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Vore-For-All: Ket The Otter

It was only when the otter had begun to give up hope of finding shelter for the night that he stumbled across it, a simple garden pathway.

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Wolf species

This is no simple tracking device but a brain implant that comes with a host of information that anyone can access with a simple scanner. medical data, name, status, id number, etc.

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