The Blood Mile
An hour after sunrise the twenty foot wide street was reduces to a five foot wide lane and an endless mob of cramped draconian.
Dream a little Dream Ch 2
I'll be heading out at sunrise and i'm depending on you to keep e'lan awake while i'm not here." shear directed. "meanwhile we'll go to our room and try to pass the time."
Chapter Three - One Step Toward Death, Two Step Toward New Life
€˜sunrise...? but i was about to fall asleep.' "that's right, big brother. you're the one suggest all of us to see the first sunrise on the new years eve," said another voice and this time a female voice. ‘big brother...? do i have a sibling...?
The worst day ever
If you could leave me ideas in the comments to try make another story i would be grateful the worst day ever by black sunrise my problems did not end when i went to ponyville, eight of those who abused me in ponyhattan somehow they found out i was here
Consortium 1-4: The Gathering Storm- Chapter 1
"it's a very special kind of sunrise," mige says in response and points with one paw. "look over there. it'll start soon enough. and don't worry about the light.
Fall In
This desert was only fit to live in at night, and even then it dropped to too cold around 01:00 and they'd all be shivering till sunrise. after sunrise it'd be time to hide in the relative shade of the tents and trenches.
Slayer or Layer 22
Slayer or layer 22 for lorvianne by draconicon waking up before the sunrise, lorkos made the admittedly easy decision to leave before saluk woke up.
Backrub (XXX)
Watch the sunrise?" "watch the sunrise... seriously?" john asked. "... it's nice," allen said. "... no humping!" peter hollered and madeanother push thatforced a small grunt from my lips. john snapped back, "you don't get to say that!"
The Story Teller Edge of the World Chapter 3
#32 of the story teller **chapter 3** sun and moon sneak out of the castle well before sunrise the next day.
Taming the Werewolf - 2
It was a feeling that she always forgot at sunrise in the torrent of overwhelming sensations assaulting her psyche, if it hadn't been swept up in the terribly unrelenting pain of transformation.
Bandit Attack
The idea that a female hunter was capable of bleeding out a dragon was a sunrise. he was about to get a bigger sunrise, as two of the traders in the next booth of the town market start talking about the hunter's city.
midnight love
It was as though he had truly taken snow and painted it onto paper, just as he did with the sunrise. setting it to the side he glanced up at tony who was trying not to look nervous, but was failing.