Murder City: Chapter 1
Luckily, fred remembered the most important life lesson: no matter how incompetent a person is, you give them respect if they have a gun. the closest weapon i could find was a walking cane.
One Week to Change: Prologue
These are the life lessons that i have learnt over the years, and that is why i am sharing this with you now. nothing comes from believing, and there is only one answer to every question you may have. 'and that is, the way it is.'
Life's Pains (Part 9 final)
I know it wasn't great since it's my first series but i hope you guys liked the adventure this story took you on and that some of you learned some valuable life lessons. i know a lot of furs that will be very excited to see this up.
Life's Pains (Part 9)
I know it wasn't great since it's my first series but i hope you guys liked the adventure this story took you on and that some of you learned some valuable life lessons. i know a lot of furs that will be very excited to see this up.
Koji's Life 2
Koji's life 2 a heated life lesson i was walking to cree's clinic for my routine check up and training.
Star Gazing: Chapter One
There would be life lessons like 'don't try to jump across rivers' and 'don't jump off the trees when you're done climbing them.' years passed and their friendship only grew.
Shattered Salvation, Draft 1 CH 23
I was new at all this; i thought i was being a nice guy and teaching them a life lesson." tristan rolled his eyes at him. she cleared her throat. "i know, but in my defense, i was new at this.
Serenifi: Revenge Sweet Revenge
Acme looniversity was re-famed, and the perfectos learned a valuable life lesson that week: don't f\*\*\* with acme loo! the end. roderick rat, rhubella rat, bimbette, and fifi la fume belong to warner bros.
Character Profile: Marmel
Along with his child-protégé companion: sam, he walks the world, hosting magic shows, seeing the sights, and teaching valuable knowledge and life lessons to sam as they journey.aptly shown, marmel appears as taller, human gentleman bearing black, mild-length
The Grin Paws - Subchapter: Crisp's Nightmare
"sadly, the life lessons continue as long as one lives...but trust me, boyo...i am doing you a favor...and am giving your life purpose, whether you agree with me or not...and once your purpose is served, then i will let you go..."
But if you guys like it i would love to make it into a series lemme know ** paw 1** ** fears, fate, and life lessons** "father!"
Out of Water - Part VI
Like other humans of the world, ivan had been traveling felldew for years seeking teachings in wisdom, courage, faith as well as many more profitable life lessons.