Felicia's Fancy 08 A Mechanical Toy
You pay to have a "private show" with any girl or number of girls. they'll do what ever you want, with in reason, if you know what i mean. \*winks.\* mecha: really? \*takes a drink.\* some female company does sound nice.
The Black Shepherd - Chapter 21
"i'd better get home," patricia said, tail closing the curtain on her private show. "find something to do for a while. don't hurry back." patricia smiled coldly to herself. it was going to be a fun night.
Too Much For One Day
There's not many folks in my sessions and i just starte-" "then give me a private show. a full premium experience." lupe's eyes widened like saucers under his thick brows, mouth agape. he stuttered to find words, "t..the fuck you mean a private show?
What I Do Best
"private matters" john put a little emphasis of the word private, showing that the matters were important and he was not prepared to talk about it. "what is your name?"
Typically, whatever madam floro has me scheduled for, i do, let it be dancing, serving drinks, private shows, so on." "is madam floro your boss?" the sylveon nodded. "yep, she's the head honcho.
She had only been with a herm once, and that was for a private showing in a night club for pay. to have one just for the hell of it would be another matter entirely. tessy turned her head, a malicious grin on her face.
She smiled, and opened a private show for her. "now, sweetie, tell me what you like," she said softly, opening her hands softly and playing them over her chest.
Morning Commute (Subscriber Reward)
._ "oh, you feel like giving me a private show?" the doberman asked in a low, chuckling voice. "well, not really private i guess." he glanced away from ruby, and ruby followed his eyes.
Chapter 9
private, show me where the rest of your team is at, so i can speak to the seal team's commander."
A Double Glazed Sabrekitty
"if you like it that much, maybe i can give you a private showing, later...g-gotta wear her out, first." _wear me out?_ the thought would have been laughable for gale, if she were able to make any sound beyond a lustful grunt.
Work Down the Pole
Commission for murdoc all characters were provided by murdoc jittery with excitement, oliver pranced through the door from the public space of the club to the hall connecting the private show rooms.