The Brakian Gambit - Chapter Three

Despite the name, the alliance's presidential guard protected various high level government officials, military officers, and vips within the alliance.

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Aurora Goes to Olympus

Liam knew he was dreaming. He knew it before he saw Aurora Sitka walking up a mountain path. She usually wore at least a knife belt and shoulder strap, but now she was completely furclad. As she neared the top of the mountain, she stopped and raised a...

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History, from The First to Second Great War

Many of these alliances have deep roots back to alliances during and before the first great war.

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**Galaxy at War**: Prologue

For they had began to colonize worlds that other alliance races had claim to, this act is considered treason to the intergalactic alliance.

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The Cabal: 01 Time Line

As an entire generation of mages join the alliance from soldier to civilian contractor the general abilities begin to grow. 2151-the systems alliance begins plans for the construction of a massive station that would house the combined government of the earths

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Sexual Conquest: Prologue

The tribes of the northeast, the eagle and the owl, joined together in an avian alliance.

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Tock's Tales - Intro & Glossary

He was generous to those occupied towns near to centerport, and so forged alliances and built his army. he called his territory the eastern alliance.

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Trophy of a Hero

Possibly underground too, away from the prying eyes of society and the guardian alliance. the guardian alliance. surely they'd notice that he was missing and come rescue him. silverfrost, the head of the alliance, was sharp about these things.

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Galaxy On Fire - Start

The other two were more intimidating, but when working with the alliance cade always negotiated their work. transport shuttles arrived bearing the crest of the alliance.

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Chapter 1: The Future Was Not Easy

This paved the way for them to join the alliance three years after their devastating defeat.

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