Cub Tales: The Lion King - Simba's Discovery Remastered

Simba hid in the bushes as he looked at the sight of his father and a stranger in the moonlight. They looked like they were fighting but one was pinned beneath the other. From what it looked like the pinned one was his father. His father had left the...

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Social Studies

     East Fairmont was not your typical high school. Where there were typical cliques everyone moved from one to the next making friends with everyone. Then again it wasn't hard since the typical graduating class was only one hundred and twenty five....

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World of Warcraft: Hearts in the Mist - Pt 1

The world felt unfocused and lunged with every movement. A feeling mixed with the tensing of muscles that made it difficult to think, let alone breath. Combined with a downward rush of wind eclipsed by a deafening sound of swords clashing in an...

World of Warcraft: Hearts in the Mist - Pt2

World of Warcraft Hearts in the Mist - Part 2 The humid night air clung to the tigress's back as she made her way among the bamboo that had grown throughout the forest. The dense foliage made it difficult to move just as the humidity had made it...


Blind Service - Remastered

Orientation was always the biggest pain of going to college. For Koji, it was even more difficult in a couple of aspects. The first being the college he was going to was in the Kanto region of Japan and secondly, he was a blind grey wolf. It was barely...

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Arctic Hearts - Remastered

Aiko spent a lot of his time on the road. He had grown accustomed to it by now but where he was going had to have been the coldest place on earth. It wasn't exactly where he had hoped to go for his assignment, but where else was he supposed to get core...

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The Heartbreak Hotel - Remastered

C block, not your typical place for a little arctic fox, like Hashigo. He was still wondering how he ended up in a position like this. Tossed in with gang bangers, thieves, and other undesirables that have plagued society. Hashigo knew there were some...

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World of Warcraft: Hearts in the Mist Pt 5

_The banners of Stormwind flew colors of red and crimson amid the setting sun. Goblins dressed as cherubs flitted about shooting off fireworks asking any passerby to help them with a simple quest. It was fun for the one who carried out the impromptu...

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World of Warcraft: Return to Gilneas Chapter 5 - Remastered

The council of representatives now seated at the heart of Iron Forge felt it was time to shut the gate leading to Old Iron Forge. What lay at its core was a sad reminder of what tinkering with any of the tablets of Ulduar could do to someone. The...

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Commission - Cub Tales: Pleasurable Discipline

The elementary school terrified the little fox as he stood before the entrance. It was his first day of Kindergarten and his first time away from his dad. Mikey held his puffy tail in front of him, whimpering before looking up at his father. He gave a...

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High School Sweethearts: Surprised in Silence Remastered

It sometimes gets lonely living in a world without hearing. Though for Roger it was his world. Roger was a saber-tooth tiger who felt he had no friends and mostly kept to himself. He could read lips but not very well. His own world consisted of only...

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Cub Tales: Curious Children at Play Remastered

``Today, class, we are going to be learning something new but first we need to split everyone up.'' The teacher said as she looked over the classroom before looking at the two other instructors standing by the door. ``I'm going to need all the girls to...

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