New Announcements 2/14/2018
Comment below what person you enjoyed me collaborating with or if you prefer i don't collaborate at all. i also am thinking about setting up a patreon and was more wondering if anyone would contribute this early.
Quality Time: Epilogue
Find out in this epilogue.this is a collaboration i did with absolutehero. luckily, he was able to see this before he went off for his tour in the air force. if you are interested in collaborating with me, let me know.
Oversea Otaku! - Collaboration with Kensukethecat
_ _as anticipated the previous week, today's story is a collaboration with [ pic, and had the fundamental...
Milk and Grow; collaboration with Tessa
"Come on, stupid cows get moving before I sink my claws into your hide!" A busty anthropomorphic tigress grunted as she pushed at the end cow; her orange fur bright like fire in the sunlight. After finding themselves in a different time or planet,...
A New Best Friend Preview: Collaboration with Andlat
#1 of collaborations with andlat this is a teaser of my collaboration with andlat ryan sighed, but then looked at mrs.roo, "umm... miss... w-what is for dinner?" "you can call me nanny, sweetheart. are you hungry? is that why you're asking?"
Universal History of the 38th Dimension: Vol 1: Part 1
It was now all combined, forming a universal collaborative government controlled through collaboration of nations, there was no more u.n, only collaboration of nations.
An Unconventional Make-Up
I left it open ended so that collaborators could build off in any direction they like. an unconventional make-upby ijrges"hey man! nice costume."
Formerly Jealous Badger
I was working with an artist named Mitsumutt and we came up with an idea where he would draw this picture here and i coukd write a story to go with it, he's really good and really nice, here's a link to his... :...