Into the Africa Exhibit

"that, complaints that we don't have butterscotch filled ice cream bars. complaints that its too hot out and their ice cream melts too fast. complaints that we don't take lyre city fast cards.

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Party Planning: So Furry House Party

"a fucking ferrari seems a little excessive to avoid a noise complaint. would have been cheaper to just throw the dam party and pay the fines later".

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Food, Feuds and Fake Flora (teaser) - Roar 6

Finding the yellow complaint form and tugging it free from the pile, the tawny cougar adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses and read it aloud. "a roasted red pepper and provolone chicken sandwich with chipotle mayo on sourdough bread."

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The Wild River - Thicker Than Wine

Muffled squeaking and complaints filled the water as brother and sister tussled. given the opportunity, i disengaged.

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Unstable Future - Chapter 5

Lockwood's complaint sessions. these things could go on for as long as an hour before he tired himself out. after we arrived at a quiet part of the outpost with no one else around i turned around to ask what his main complaint was this time.

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Collar of the Wild 2

"alright blake, compile the complaints." gavin said. blake grinned wide, selecting the various complaints, bringing them to the forefront of the screen for quick reference before he grabbed the radio.

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Remember, Daddy Loves You

Balto swung his gaze across the snowy landscape, neglecting to spot aleu poking out from the bank of white, eliciting a collection of giggling and complaints from his babying.

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The Lizard King: Advisor

His advisor took every inch without complaint; he would do anything if it meant his king was happy. he took no satisfaction in it though; he much preferred the company of a woman. especially the younger ones.

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Chapter 35 Disturbing Thoughts

She was mentally tired and mentally aching after having listened to complaint after complaint from the peasantry, after having listened to complaint after complaint from the nobles, after having to force her face into a smile, into a sneer, into mocking laughter

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Warrior's Blood, Chapter 32: Letter and Spirit

Your arraignment is in two weeks, so i'll get together the best arguments and counter-arguments i can to make sure the _ex post facto_ complaint pulls through.

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The complaint he was responding to was an excessive noise complaint. normally not that serious...unless you lived in the mountains and your noise could touch off an avalanche.

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Nebula Wine

This time, there was no complaint when hara stopped his own chatter and instead rolled close so he could fit his snout between nym's lower hind legs.

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