Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 41
Love heart's words stopped crafty before she had taken three steps. crafty turned back, at a loss, "i... don't know." love heart walked over to her and took her hands, "exactly.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 29
crafty leaned back with a happy sigh, "i'm gonna love it up here." loyal heart gave her a somewhat disgusted look, "don't just proposition someone when you see them, crafty."
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 36
crafty grinned, "can't keep your eyes off her new tits can you?" hidden heart blushed but nodded.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 42
crafty heart had been silent for most of the meeting, kissing hidden heart as the wolf had her face buried in crafty's breasts. hidden heart pulled back and looked at crafty, "what kind of trap?"
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 48
crafty took a deep breath, "ok ok, just let me think." crafty's mind raced as she tried to piece together a plan, "they know about us and the shadow magi..." "daddy, what's happening?"
QCP: NS-04 Filling in For Krypto
"crafty... crafty... crafty... lord darcadia is in qc germany. i am nighthunter... a hound from hell." and that's when my eyes, my fangs, and my claws ignited in flames as i laughed at the now cowering heap of criminal feline.
Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 33
crafty gave him a coy look, "you just like being squished by my tits." "what's wrong with that?" "nothing with me," crafty gave him a kiss on the nose, "but clean now and have fun later."
Cat Ivanovitch & Lisabeta Vixen - Tickle Torture (F/M)
The clever and crafty vixen knew what to do. while the cat was sleeping on the couch, after stuffing himself with meat, she carefully and quietly carried him to their bedroom.
The Serpent Curse - Chapter 10
Kiah: maybe you're right, maybe i am just a crafty creature. the serpent narrows his eyes. serpent: your craftiness won't stall for time. critter reaches a branch only a few layers above them. kiah: of course, but those few seconds was all i needed.
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 6
He called you a mahgiit, tricky and crafty? and these sisters you speak of are they sohltrii as well?" i asked. mihlihssah had an amused look upon her muzzle and face. "trust a sand sniffing dehsii to call my kind tricky and crafty."
Master's Court: Chapter 3
._ her devilish thoughts spun like a hurricane of crafty deceit, the vast spider's web of her plans cast adrift in the mental wind, yet still coordinated and intact.
Scales and Honor- Viridian Night: Chapter 11
"do you think he's up to something crafty?" jerry's eyes widened as the woman appeared to ready her horse to follow his son.