Fox Family: Episode 2
dizzy said, "well check this out."
Once in a Blue moon
dizzy said licking the back of sen's neck making him shiver and giggle. "i love oyu too dizzy my snuggle puppy." he replied. he shifted so that he was stradling dizzy's lap and thier eyes met.
Hazy Start
Giving up on replying, dizzy just slumped against the fox to watch him play as spy, the fox occasionally scratching through dizzy's head fur, making him murr softly and drift.
Jim's Chronicles 12.5: A meeting of the mon's (Side story)
dizzy said while rubbing the top of the mimikyu's costumed head. mimiboo blush as dizzy dragged her costume to the foot of the couch, she wouldn't let her costume go.
fox family 7: friendship devides
dizzy left his office to get greg. dizzy said, "come on i have something to tell you." greg went with dizzy into his office. dizzy said, "look i know this isn't easy but you're brother signed up for the army.
Fox Family 9
dizzy looked to the paper and cried. andrea couldn't help but quickly also mourn. dizzy held andrea tightly. dizzy sobbed, "that's it man."
Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Margie
"dizzy? dizzy i'm coming to get you!" anon said, knowing that dizzy wasn't one of the few that were possessed during tammy's sudden appearance into the village earlier. "be careful! she's out there!" dizzy's voice warned anon. "who is?"
Chapter 3: Bring a friend to work
dizzy shut the kitchen door and charlie was no longer able to hear him. _"sneaky husky, what's he planning, and who's vince?"_ charlie sat wondering what dizzy could be planning.
Remembering the years Part 2
Meanwhile dizzy sat beside charlie, happy to be sitting so close to his child hood friend. _if only i could hold his paw..._ dizzy blinked at the thought, feeling his cheeks warm as he looked down to the white paw resting next his black.
Worlds Collide
dizzi and isaac were careful as they pushed in slowly, each sliding out in tandem before sinking back in.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-nine
Patch and dizzy were just about the last ones in the group who still seemed sprightly, and then dizzy was only marginally better the rest of the group.
Chapter 9: More than a Feline
But the dizzy show was for her benefit, not mine. so i exaggerated the movements, making it look like dizzy was licking his finger before commenting with smacked lips "delicious."