To Fly Together

She hadn't expected to be a nurse. In fact, she hadn't really _expected_anything at all. Life stretched out before her and there was no hurry; there never was. For now she was content with her farm and her books and visits to the village where she was...

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Learning to Fly

But what if i couldn't fly right away? i jumped up and down, flapping my wings and trying to lift off the ground. but with the size of my body, i couldn't get enough lift. i would have to risk jumping off if i wanted to truly fly.

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Flying Free

He's always had a fascination with the raptors, how they could fly so effortlessly, and how beautiful they were.

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Fly on the Wall

The muscle was too hard for the fly's jaws. suddenly, the stallion's muscles flexed and shuddered. that made the fly launch back in the air and find a new place to bite and feed off the potent stallion's blood.

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Sparks will Fly

Apollo shifted his arms a bit as he carried Nox down the hall, the taller ampharos supporting the much smaller croconaw from underneath and holding them against his chest. He felt the water type gently buck their hips a few times, apparently already...

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The Fruit Fly

My [challenge](%5c) this one is from challenge #7 (which is still going btw- a week and a half left) sexes: mmf races: mouse, koala, squirrel setting: dreamworld (50% or more of the story has to take place in a dream or dreams) the fruit fly

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As The Eagle Flies.

I am going to fly." at first she thought that he was trying to mock her, but his look spoke otherwise. "my dear featherless, flightless human.

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Flying Free

_it feels so good to fly again_ flashwing thought to herself. after joining forces with the giants and defeating kaos again, the skylands were safe and now she could finally enjoy flying.

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Emotions Will Fly

Emotions will fly as the wind turns over interactions like a fall evening. easily they can be read and heard, but rarely are they deeply understood. emotions will fly where the heart will lead them, a very skillful pilot.

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Flying Circus

The art of flight is in its infancy, yet war pushes these new flying machines to the edge of their capabilities, as emyr will discover.

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Flying High

He couldn't believe how amazing it felt to fly. he knew with time he could fly so much faster and farther, and with less energy.

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Fly Away

It really did feel like flying away...the height wasn't as frightening as he thought it might be, thanks to the buffer of a big, strong gryphon underneath him.

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