Gryphon 'Rider'
Vanae tried to fight the lead, but it was no good, the magic was designed to keep even the most stubborn gryphon subdued.
The Gryphon's bust
Now dressed in her bra and panties, clarisse turns to look at the gryphon, arching an eyebrow. "oh?" knowing he was getting her riled up, the gryphon's cheeks stretched even further into the grin.
A Gryphon's Heart
Rather than anything human however, i'd become a gryphon, and it'd felt completely natural. so, was i a human who'd pretended to be a gryphon, or was i actually a gryphon who was pretending to be human?
Gryphon's Escape
_author's note: i wrote this for a good gryphon friend of mine in return for his drawing a picture of_ [_dr'keli'in and thirana getting it on_](
Gryphons' Meeting
_author's note: this story is set a little after the events of **[gryphon's threesome](**, but before those in **[gryphons' discovery](**.
Gryphon's Choice
The gryphon thought it over for a minute.
Gryphon's Recovery
Together with the follow-up, **gryphon's choice** _, i think this is possibly the favourite of my gryphon series of stories.
Gryphon's Sonnet
For a strong-willed gryphoness that wouldn't hesitate to give someone a piece of her mind, something about flint ordering her around just drove her wild. when she pulled his pants down, she gasped as she saw his gryphon cock dangling from his male slit.
Gryphon Sandwich
The other gryphon grinned, rubbing some of the lube over his own cock, shivering at the feel of it. "yeah, call it gryphon glide or something like that."
Gryphon Picnic
Without so much as a push from the gryphon, mika found herself immersing herself face-first in the gryphon's big fat balls, pushing her muzzle right in between the both of them so she could huff him until her mind was empty.
Interview with a Gryphon
"good enough," you heard a deep voice over you, the gryphon finally speaking up, "with some experience you'll be able to handle pleasuring more than one gryphon at a time."
The gryphon and the couatl
It took more than an hour to swallow hook-beak whole and yet the gryphon's feathers trapped so much air that even now the gryphon lived. the couatl twitched where it lay as the desperate gryphon tried to squirm free, to find some escape.