Heat in Jasper: Chapter 3
"i love you so much, humphrey," she panted in pain. "i love you, too, kate," humphrey replied, then pulled half way out.
Hidden Alpha, Budding Omega 3
His heated scent was still strong and humphrey was still determined to take care of that. but for now... "alright, ladies..." humphrey and salty returned to the group.
In the Negative
humphrey chuckled.
Drunk Humphrey
Once humphrey sat down next to her he smiled and said. "evening ma'am i'm humphrey!" kate sniffed the air before smiling making humphrey glad she didn't smell the alcohol on his breath. "nice to meet you humphrey!
In the Negative: Chapter 5
"humphrey listen," he began, "we just-" "quit with the games," humphrey demanded firmly, causing miles to tense, almost as though preparing for a fight. humphrey, once his initial outburst had fallen silent, began to calm himself down.
Humphrey's Lemon Drawer: Humphrey The Top
"oh yeah, how could i forget 'humphrey the top'? 'humphrey the stud!' 'humphrey the i-never-bottom-so-don't-ask-me'!" humphrey let out a genuine, loud laugh. 'haha, yep, that was me! top all the way, never bottom! those were some fun times."
Alpha And Omega: Further Exploration
humphrey shook himself and stretched. "the accent hurts my throat." humphrey said as he trotted over to his lover and laid beside her. "i meant what i said, humphrey. i like how horny you are all the time...it really does make me feel good."
Humphrey's Lemon Drawer: Heat
#1 of humphrey's lemon drawer spring is a weird thing. women are too, or so humphrey learns when kate enters her first heat since their marriage. kate has always dreamed of being a mother, but humphrey, the free spirit that he is, has other plans.
Hidden Alpha, Budding Omega
Having knocked up lilly, humphrey did take responsibility by moving lilly to his and kate's den. that would have left garth alone but humphrey kept him company often enough. using his hidden strength and dominance, humphrey began commanding garth.
Springtime (Original & Unedited)
humphrey's moans became screams of ecstacy as his climax finally hit. "mooch!!!" humphrey yelled, "mooch!!! i'm cumming!!!"
(some of the audience laughs) sombra: ...anyways, today i will be interviewing humphrey. humphrey, why don't you sit in the interviewee chair? you can sit, right? humphrey: yup.
Springtime 2: Humphrey x Mooch x Garth
humphrey's rump was one for the records, and he knew it.** **"i know you like it..." humphrey's voice was smooth, deepened to sound more seductive. "you like it when i do this..."