Digimon: Data Release
#1 of digimon: data release tweaked and a nice place to end the extended first page as the first chapter. i'm happy with this as a "manga style of writting, short chapters of intense writting and i hope to continue again shortly. any and all comments are
Enemies and Friends
"just when the story was getting good" leo mutters to himself as he stuffs the manga book into his school backpack and his makes ways downstairs to the kitchen.
Lost Souls
Completely random, Bleach universe based, story. Don't ask where any of these ideas came from, but since it happens a lot to me, any similarities to anyone or anything out there is probably coincidental. I've lost too much sleep lately so there's...
Oversea Otaku! - Collaboration with Kensukethecat
By far, though, anime no jenerikku's section was the biggest one, with several figurines and volumes of the manga, many looking well used and read.
A Cheeky Husky (Saint Francis Christmas Side Story.)
The raccoon flipped through the pages of a hard cover manga on the table, she seemed to be reading some sort of boys love manga with while rubbing her ears, "i'm pauline, it's a pleasure to meet you.
What Has Become of the Beggar Prince After He Slew the Dragon?
I absolutely loved the anime, even the manga... well until a certain point at least.
Revelations - Chapter 18: Darker Secrets, Continued
He'd have to let the stouffer's know, and maybe the police...after he checked out the huge pile of manga in front of him.
Oblitum Ch6
Okay so this is the last chapter of Oblitum I have written at the moment. So I have a question for you guys, do you like where the story is going? I've considered doing a rewrite of some of the chapters but I would like to know if that's anything...
Neko City2040 (Bio's)
Color(s): green and blue accessory's: all the anime manga's known to man, anything she want's and a slave that she can use for anything special abilty's: she can morph between beast... human or half-beast form's.
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Castlevania
/guin\_saga/](http://www.mangahere.co/manga/guin_saga/)) with rinda and remus farseer morrigan ([http://darkstalkers.wikia.com/wiki/morrigan\_aensland](http://darkstalkers.wikia.com/wiki/morrigan_aensland)) nathan graves ([http://castlevania.wikia.com/wiki
The Pokemon Journey -- Team Xaos and the Road to Pewter City
"i'm such a fan of the kyuubi in that manga, it's too bad the writer didn't let him come into his own until the last half of the manga," said kelly, speaking of the nine tailed fox.
Moving In
Back outside, mark had stacked up his manga numerically, by series. his anime was in alphabetical order, just like his other books and movies in his room.