Tina's Story Chapter 28 A little this, a little that.....
They resume their dinner, starring at each other, with hate and mistrust in their eyes...... meanwhile, colleen receives a phone call..... "hello, missy..." "hello, sean. i wondered how long it would be till i heard from you...."
Character Reference Sheet: Vincent
- loner: vince is antisocial because of his mistrusting nature, finding that people more often than not aren't too trustworthy.
The werewolf and the praka (small pred/large prey sex and vore)
They were wise enough to know how little they understood her, and from a lack of understanding comes mistrust. completely justified mistrust, in this case.
Dark Ones: Lola's experience
Hybrids were still mistrusted by most people, a mutual feeling. then it happened. strange things were happing all over. in the cities, random fires were being started, while small villages' crops were being destroyed. eachside blamed the other.
Jerry Archer character Bio.
Rivals: none in particular but he does have a great mistrust of q. i. malloy significant other: his wife is dead but he does have an attraction for jessica. orientation: straight.
Empty - Chapter 4
He found her and crushed her to him, still keening and eyeing the shadows mistrustfully, looking for all the world like a small and scared puppy with his favorite toy. it was that dream again, the one he had off and on since that day two years ago.
Adventures of Purranna Fox - Chapter Three (FINAL)
He didn't really trust women and that mistrust played a factor in his dating habits, that and the fact that he was bisexual. a question about his living status got a response of the fact he had a roommate who basically did all the household chores.
She was treated with fear and mistrust, until a little filly taught us different." then he continued on with his chore. "spike's right." twilight sighed. "well it's settled. crysteen will stay with you, learn our pony ways and report on her findings.
Dawns Darkness Prologue
._ **_if a god falls they begin a trek to find what was lost to earn consent if a god falls they must be weary mortal habbits may caught love lust hate mistrust these and more they must be weary of for if a
Dragoness on a Far-away World: Chapter 1 Page 1
He was still wary of her, eyes mistrusting due to her being the source of a recent pain and likely quite a headache. "just call me fayr. i'm bringing equality to our kind." she said with a serious face.
Harem Harlot, Part 6
You didn't have to be born into the highest echelons of society...but it was no easy task to earn your way into them, and a young man of a mistrusted and duplicitous species such as his did not warrant honest, hard-working pay.
A beautiful world, prologue part 1/2
The traits that would change were the emotions of anyone walking through it, sorrow and mistrust would be replaced with the ability to trust, to forgive and move on. deceit would be replaced with loyalty and honesty.