Teetering on a Fence: New Love

"no, i'm from ontario. but my family is originally from annecy." he said, seeing the blank face on the fox. he didn't expect him to know where that was. "it's a city in france. near the mountains. absolutely beautiful.

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The Pass

It was another long, meaningless, and frustrating day for young joseph wilbanks, a wolf of 17 years at etobicoke high school in etobicoke, ontario, a place which he had learned to hate for its harsh teachers and mean bullies.

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Rest Stop

The highways of northern ontario are long and lonely, but there are places to stop when you're tired ... dead tired.

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Decisions - Prologue

Many frowned upon trevor's decision to have such a long distance relationship, him, a local boy from the suburbs of hamilton ontario, and matthias, a german man from the capital of berlin.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #1 - Meeting in Massachusetts

Owner and temporary gm stefan calico (tabby cat) was not available for comment, having finalized the transfer of ownership and subsequent release of the old managers shortly before leaving for his annual camping vacation in northern ontario, with a stop in

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The Package

George schafer, coming from ontario." sammy looked puzzled, not recognizing this name, and wondered what it could be. "okay, thank you. have a nice day." sammy said, handing the phone back to the worker and taking the package inside.

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Waking Up the Demon...In Me (chapter 1)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ an apc rumbled down the icy roads of ontario, towards its destination of

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"ah," he smiled down at me while rubbing the stubble on his jaw, "that's why i hear the canadian in the back of it being so close to ontario. by the way, i'm dustin. dustin douglas," putting forth his hand.

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Ship references part 1

ontario class: lee class v3.0 human, with a hybrid human / canid engine control computer. country of origin: canada captain: captain verity wakefield, human, female crew: human, aside from the canid engineer who runs the computer core.

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Wildfox Island - Chapter 4

(translation: a chance meeting) by an anonymous artist from ontario called ???????.

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Moonlight Fells Right - chapter 1

It was currently march break in central ontario, and this family was fully enjoying the peace and tranquility of simply watching the sunset across a lake.

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Too Close for Comfort

**_friday, august 6th, 2010_ _- 3:30am london, ontario, canada. | kavik a. davasgo_** "i don't know what to do, bayno... i'm sorry..." a dead silence filled the hotel room.

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