LiM Ch13 (FINAL!): Fission and Fusion.

"the satellite's already got the orders to fire, i can't stop it. we have to go down and warn grant.

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Sexual (R)Evolution - First Contact

Without even noticing they smashed a primitive satellite. darla felt the temperature rising in a worrying stead pace, no mammal would be able to survive it.

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Kayla: Packet-Storm

There was a noticeable response lag from the satellite's fault, forcing her to stop her assault and try to protect the satellite; using her own hostile tactics on the satellite to force it to pay attention to her instead of him.

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5 (DSV Nautica) Into the Ruins Part 1

"a science team is examining the satellites orbiting the planet. they will then proceed with caution to anything that appears to be a central databank, taking notes as they go.""good. we look forward to your report.""

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Victernus - Chapter 29

He grumbled, "gather the satellites and find another planet. fix them. if this happens again, we're not using them."             theo refrained from speaking. he set a course to the nearest satellite, wishing that he hadn't been so reckless.

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Favors of the First Ones - Chapter 17

He didn't need them to take out the satellite warhead. his plasma bolts would reach it a lot quicker than the torpedoes and time was of the essence.

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ASL series Capter 4: Lady of the Night

"well," erin started, "we need to have a look at the codes controlling the satellites alignment. after each shot the satellite drifts slightly and it causes havoc with the targeting and imaging systems." "lets get to it then."

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 12

"the latest satellite images sir." zack takes the folder from him. "yeah, yeah..."

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Velius - The Day of Infamy

satellite gn-01 must be protected at all costs! repeat, satellite must not be destroyed!_" "confirmed," re'kij answered. "_mercury_ to all ships, form on us! we are going in hot!" it was, for strugar, a nightmare made real.

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The First of the Many Adventures of Tony Prime

He went in, followed by the satellite,...and it closed, leaving no evidence. tony prime emerged from the rift above the helicarrier.

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Raiyev Part 3

We could get drawn too close to the sun, thrown too far, or even collide with another planet or satellite." "speaking of which, have our satellites circling the earth--i mean fur-made satellites--have they changed in size as well?"


Meeting the Neighbors

"was this ship responsible for the satellite collision?" he quickly dismissed the notion. why hurl a satellite at a target when you could just plug it full of holes with a weapon shot.

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