Friendly Shenanigans--teaser

A break from schoolwork. and most importantly, a break from all the drama and judgment that bred in the gross underbelly of every high school.

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Guardian (Story YCH) [open]

The wolf moved swiftly over to his desk before pulling a chair out just to the side of it before disappearing into a backroom - returning just seconds after as he wheeled out the ancient television that marked many easy days without the normal rigors of schoolwork

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#2 of harmonious pursuit later that day, gael looked over at peirce during class, but unlike usual, peirce acted to be absorbed in his schoolwork. gael knew this was an attempt to ignore him, since peirce did very little work at school.

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Taffy's Story (A Dear Diary Work) - 23 October 2011

After, like, hours of schoolwork that felt like it would never end lunchtime came round and i found mila waiting outside for me. i always pack up really slow so i'm like the last one out and she gets really impatient with me.

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Character Reference Sheet: Vincent

He had a knack for all kinds of arts, but neglected his schoolwork and had trouble connecting with other people, despite being a sweet hearted and intelligent kid.


Tyrannosaurs are peeping-Toms… and pranksters too

I do all of my schoolwork at home, in front of a flat-panel computer-terminal. my cousin-sister-friend, sandy, has a slightly-larger one, right next to mine. she does her schoolwork there.

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Just about schoolwork, gerrald, you and i... i'm sure you have noticed what happen earlier, when i sat beside you during assembly," i continue. jo gulps down his last mouth of food and say, "earlier? uh, yeah.

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DC Profile: Velocity

It was this constant shirking of schoolwork that lead to his expulsion from sister magdalene after only two years, and his reluctant return home. fyfe was brutally disciplined by both of his parents, and often had bruises to show for it.

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Lakeside Park

She would say, for that weekend when their schoolwork was mercifully finished, his parents would be out of town and they had the entire weekend to themselves. "can't. i don't have the money," david lied.

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Weird Dreams - Alex

Later that night, alex had resumed his position in front of the computer, working away at the last minute schoolwork. his eyes were starting to get harder and harder to get open, his head flopping forward due to tiredness.

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Meet Me in the Bathroom (Patreon Extreme)

From every classroom came a rush of gradeschoolers that struggled through each other to get to assigned lockers with their various books and schoolwork.

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A Hogwarts Diary

After exchanging muggle money for money that wizards use called galleons, sickles and knuts, we went shopping for supplies such as a cauldron made of pewter, an owl, books i would need for schoolwork and a wand (oak, 11 inches, dragon heartstring as it's mysterious

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