Toni's Diary Entry #6 - Peanut Butter Theater
You're going back into scouting, and you're joining the local boy scout troop." i had two issues with this. the first was that not only was my dad one of the leading adults in the troop, but my brother was also in that troop as well.
The Galactic Ferderation of Light 2
Mark was one of the two percent of humans who where suitable to be soldiers, but weirdly he could also be a scout.
Velocity Raptor (Ch. 1)
Bubbles grabbed me by the arm already tittering some happy spastic nonsense as she pulled me through scouting ship. we landed in her room, where she revealed that she had a modest collection of videogames.
[Commission] Max and Kelsey After Scouts Fun
Max quickly undid his scout belt, and once free whipped it across the room he was so desperate to get those shorts off.
Cub Campout
The scout masters were the ones serving the food as unhappy scouts were the last thing they wanted. austin was the first one to get in line though ryan wasn't far behind as the two waited their turn to be served.
Marianne's Misty Hike (Part 1) - Intro
It follows marianne, an assistant scout leader working in a national park in my alternative earth.
Race Day
An initiate mostly pushed by the boy scouts was its global box car initiative. the plan was simple, invite teams from other regional boy scout groups and then engage in a larger race than what they usually planned.
One night at camp
He slipped out of pete's grip and moved to put his uniform back on - ready to check how the scouts were doing and start the breakfast fire.
Rolos - Summer Camp (Part One)
He loved it even more so when he was out camping with his scout troop, away from his life just out having fun with his friends. "sam move!"
Grad-Bash Part 7
#7 of scout's honor sorry for the wait you guys next chapter will be short as well, but a lot more exciting than this =) copyright © 2015 cole stryker **part 7** leaving carson was harder than i thought.
Dante's Awakening. Chapter 14
"you say that your scouts have not reported in recently...what do you think may be the cause of that?" "knowing the scouts like i do...they are probably being lazy or overcautious.
Dark Destiny - Chapter 1
Dark Destiny 1 Through the darkness, I thought I was alone...until I heard a voice calling to me. "Azoth?" it called to me, the voice was unfamiliar but definitely that of a girl, "Azoth? Azoth, wake up" I tried to...