Red Snow

In trues, the xerlian surrendered the planet over to the humans, but that was not enough, humans began to enslave what remained of the xerlian and segregated them.

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World of Osmis: Nations

However, in this nation, the difference in wealth is shamelessly clear as the rich and poor are left segregated from one another through various 'levels' of habitation where the leaders live at the very top while those struggling to feed themselves are left

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The 50th: [Stage 1] Heading North

Jeff looks back for a second, "that one guy that tried to bring segregation back to the anthros?" "yeah," she said less then calmly, "apparently, people have even taken to lashing out against the anthros." "well, this sucks!"

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WereWorld: Manual

-most cities and towns are male-dominant or male-only, females are segregated from the males to prevent surprise/unwanted 'population rise', especially from beastmen and were-beasts since they're the most virile and have the most potent seed.

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Welcome to Mayhemodium

Clear segregation between the rich and the not-so-rich is pretty clear around here, especially from how and where they live, since the city is actually split into two areas, with the rich and powerful living in the upper levels, and those on the other side

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School Life

Until recently the schools, and most of society, had been segregated by racial divisions. this was a large step towards equality for the anthro society on paper but unfortunately only a small step in reality.

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The Journal of Ryan Raven

Now then, 10 years later the crossbreed, were segregated. it would take 25 years for the crossbreed to be accepted in society.

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Captain's Report

His sentencing was carried out immediately, having established for him a segregated, cobble-stone cell recessed into the earth to prevent him from inciting the other prisoners with his ranting.

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7(DSV Nautica) Sunsets and Learning

Other races they observed segregated their genders. not here. male and female held equal positions in their society, it was simply the way they were.  

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Army Greens : Prologue

There was no room for that now though, not with what was coming soon, when the segregation was stripped down entirely. he shouted loudly over the last of the busses departing. "every second man starting with.."

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There is a prejudice against other magic types on the main continent; the people of tentran segregate themselves, the worst of the bad blood being between the runic magic users and the elemental users.

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9 (DSV Nautica)AU-945 Part 2

She was segregating the two so far, but it was becoming harder to do it. she resumed her trip to the infirmary and entered behind flare, standing behind her quietly. she was staring off into space, thinking some private thoughts.

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