The Riddle of Riddles 3
She slashes at the sphinx's face, her jaw opening wide and biting down into syros's shoulder. the sphinx roars, thrashing around, desperately trying to throw adaeze off.
Part the fourth
Wake up after being impaled on a sphinx. you wake up with a pain in your ass but the sphinx is gone. you look around bemusedly and then see the exit open and waiting for you. you run through the exit before the sphinx comes back for more.
Dark Horizon Chapter 1 The Reveal
"dude stop it you're bleeding, come on stop," he continued to yank on sphinx's arms to get him to stop.
The Hard Working Minotaur 4
She turned giving sphinx a look and exited. sphinx looked back at siren. "well sphinx," she said. "come on in." "oh i don't" sphinx started but siren had already back flipped under the water again.
A Sphinx's riddle
His heart racing as he savors the intimate naughtiness of this little tryst with a sphinx of all things. his hands cup the breast his kisses attend to, feeling it's immense weight as he wonders curiously if all sphinxes are this, well built.
Eager to Serve
I got a commission from the amazing nightfaux, who draws the sexiest sphinx ladies around. i'll definitely be returning for another once i've figured out who's next on the list.
Choose your own path pt 12
"ah so it was trapped." you quickly grasp this, and the sphinx smiles. "i suppose you want to know what the belt and crown do." "i am intrigued, can you not riddle me this time, though?" you ask politely, and the sphinx laughs.
Earning the Loot
His tail-feathers flicked upward, fanning more of his intoxicating scent at sphinx directly.
The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Two
#2 of the slayer and the sphinx we meet our second hero, sarah heisen, a sixteen year old sphinx who has never been allowed to leave her family's mansion.
Chastity Night:
Harold had rested his head against the pillow wishing something would interrupt this moment, when suddenly sphinx kicked in the game room door. sphinx was jennifer's pet winged cat-humanoid that looked just like a sphinx.
BloodShed. Chapter One.
The sphinx said, in a quick, unpuncuated speed. "uh...what?" the calico responded, her eyebrow raised. "my apologies...i'm suggesting bribary." the sphinx said smiling, "mind getting in?"
The Story Of: That One Time
Yelled the husky from across the field, waving around the giant purple dildo from saints row the third as the blue fox began placing censor-bars all over her sphinx-friend's wings, screaming "there are children here!"